Flag of Greece


Greece, officially the Hellenic Republic, is a country in Southeast Europe, situated on the southern tip of the Balkan peninsula. Greece shares land borders with Albania to the northwest, North Macedonia and Bulgaria to the north, and Turkey to the east.
See also: European Union


Our standard dataset contains 2,467 entities connected with Greece. This may include sanctioned entities, politically-exposed persons (PEPs), and their close associates, or entities involved in criminal activity.

Data sources

We are not yet including any data published by authorities or organizations based in Greece. See our global list of data sources and our criteria for selecting datasets.

Sanctions programs/policies targeting Greece

We are not yet including any targeting entities that are based in Greece.

Politically-exposed persons (PEPs)

Our database contains 1,700 entities identified as PEPs connected with Greece.

National government positions

Number of known occupants
Head of state or governmentCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Prime Minister1--
National executive branchesCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Minister of Citizen Protection1--
Minister of Climate Crisis & Civil Protection1--
Minister of Culture1--
Minister of Development1--
Minister of Digital Governance12-
Minister of Education, Religious Affairs, & Sports1--
Minister of Environment & Energy1--
Minister of Foreign Affairs1--
Minister of Health1--
Minister of Immigration and Asylum11-
Minister of Infrastructure & Transport13-
Minister of Interior1--
Minister of Justice1--
Minister of Labor & Social Security1--
Minister of National Defense1--
Minister of National Economy and Finance1--
Minister of Rural Development & Food1--
Minister of Shipping & Island Policy1--
Minister of State2--
Minister of Tourism1--
National legislative branchCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Member of the Hellenic Parliament-983220
National judicial branchCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Prosecutor of the Supreme Court (Areios Pagos)-13
Diplomatic rolesCurrentEndedStatus unclear
ambassador of Chile to Greece-11
ambassador of Cyprus to Greece--1
ambassador of France to Greece-42
ambassador of Hungary to Greece-1-
ambassador of india to Greece-1-
ambassador of Israel to Greece--1
ambassador of Romania in Greece-2-
ambassador of Spain to Greece-31
ambassador of the United Kingdom to Greece-41
ambassador of Ukraine to Greece-11
Ambassador to the US1--
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York1--
Saudi ambassador to Greece--1
United States Ambassador to Greece-26

Subnational government positions

No positions for this category

Other positions

Number of known occupants
PositionCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Minister of State of Greece-1110
Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs-713
Deputy Minister of the Interior--15
Deputy Minister of Defence--14
Greek Minister of the Interior-77
Secretary of State for Finance--14
Minister for National Defence of Greece-85
Minister of Health of Greece-112
Minister for Foreign Affairs of Greece-111
Minister of Agricultural Development and Food of Greece-66
Minister of Culture of Greece-111
Minister of Finance of Greece-66
Greek undersecretary of Culture-110
Minister of Transports and Communications of Greece-29
Undersecretary of Agriculture of Greece--11
Undersecretary of National Education and Religious Affairs of Greece-19
Undersecretary of Transport and Communications of Greece-19
Undersecretary to the Prime Minister-19
Chief of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff-9-
Deputy Minister of Rural Development and Food-36
Greek deputy Minister of International Economic Relations-36
Minister of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights of Greece-9-
Minister of Public Order-27
Prime Minister of Greece-9-
Deputy Minister of the National Economy of Greece--8
Leader of the Opposition-71
Minister of Justice of Greece-44
Minister of Tourism of Greece-53
Minister of Trade of Greece--8
President of the Council of State-62
regional governor--8
secrétaire d'État aux Sports-17
undersecretary to a ministry of the Greek government--8
Greek vice-ministre of Health and Social Solidarity-34
Minister of Interior, Public Administration and Decentralization of Greece-25
Minister of Mercantile Marine of Greece-25
Minister of the Aegean-16
secrétaire d'État au Développement-16
Speaker of the Hellenic Parliament-61
Chief of the Hellenic Army General Staff-33
Minister of Economy and Finance of Greece-6-
Minister of Macedonia-Thrace-33
Minister of National Education and Religious Affairs of Greece-42
sous-ministre des infrastructures, des transports et des communications de la Grèce--6
sous-ministre à l'Intérieur-15
sous-ministre à la Défense nationale-15
Deputy Minister of Finance-14
Deputy Minister of Labour--5
Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Insurance of Greece--5
Deputy Minister of the Economy--5
Deputy Minister of the Presidency--5
Minister of Development of Greece-14
Minister of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religions of Greece-41
Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change-5-
Minister of Labour, Social Insurance and Social Solidarity of Greece--5
secrétaire d'État à l'Ordre public--5
secrétaire d'État à l'Économie et aux Finances-14
Undersecretary of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works of Greece--5
Undersecretary of Health and Welfare of Greece--5
Ambassadors of Palestine to Greece-31
Deputy Prime Minister of Greece-4-
Minister for the Protection of the Citizen-31
Minister of Administrative Reform and Electronic Governance of Greece-31
Minister of Agriculture of Greece--4
Minister of Education--4
Minister of Health, Welfare and Social Security of Greece--4
Minister of Labour and Social Security of Greece-13
Minister of the National Economy of Greece--4
Minister to the Prime Minister of Greece-31
secrétaire d'État au Travail et à la Sécurité sociale--4
secrétaire d'État à l'Administration interne et à la Décentralisation-13
sous-ministre à l'Intérieur et à la Reconstruction administrative-31
Undersecretary of Health, Welfare and Social Security of Greece--4
Chief of the Hellenic Navy General Staff-12
Deputy Minister--3
Governor of the Bank of Greece12-
Greek underseceratary of Administrative Reform and Electronic Government-21
Mayor of Athens-12
Minister for Employment and Social Protection-21
Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks-3-
Minister of Development, Competitiveness and Shipping-21
Minister of Labour and Social Insurance of Greece--3
Minister of Labour and Social Solidarity-12
Minister of Marine and the Aegean-21
Minister of Tourist Development of Greece-3-
President of Greece-21
sous-ministre à l'Industrie, à l'Énergie et à la Technologie--3
Transport Minister of Greece--3
ambassadeur d'Algérie en Grèce--2
Deputy Minister of Development Competitiveness and Mercantile Shipping-11
Deputy Minister of Development, Competitiveness and Shipping-11
Deputy Minister of Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks-11
Deputy Minister of Economy, Competitiveness and Shipping of Greece-11
Deputy Minister of Education--2
Deputy Minister of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change-11
Greek deputy minister of culture-11
Greek Deputy Minister of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs-2-
Greek minister--2
Greek undersecretary of Education, Learning and Religion-2-

What do these numbers mean?

We keep track both if political positions and the individuals who occupy those positions over time. Of course, a person can hold a position for multiple terms, and multiple people can occupy the same position at the same time (e.g. members of parliament).

If a person previously held a position, and currently holds the same position, they are only counted once and recorded under Current. If it is unclear from the source whether they have left the position, they will be counted under Unclear.

How can status be unclear?

Some of the data sources we rely on indicate both past and present holders of political offices. In those cases, a lack of a precise end date for a person's occupancy of a position can mean that we don't know whether they currently hold the position or not. Read more...