Flag of Romania


Romania is a country in Central, Eastern and Southeast Europe. It borders Ukraine to the north, Hungary to the west, Serbia to the southwest, Bulgaria to the south, Moldova to the east, and the Black Sea to the southeast.
See also: European Union


Our standard dataset contains 3,744 entities connected with Romania. This may include sanctioned entities, politically-exposed persons (PEPs), and their close associates, or entities involved in criminal activity.

Data sources

We include 1 data source published by authorities or organizations based in Romania. See our global list of data sources and our criteria for selecting datasets.

Sanctions programs/policies targeting Romania

We are not yet including any targeting entities that are based in Romania.

Politically-exposed persons (PEPs)

Our database contains 2,738 entities identified as PEPs connected with Romania.

National government positions

Number of known occupants
Head of state or governmentCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Deputy Prime Minister1--
Prime Minister1--
National executive branchesCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Minister of Agriculture & Rural Development1--
Minister of Culture & National Identity1--
Minister of Development, Public Works, & Admin.1--
Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism114-
Minister of Education118-
Minister of Energy16-
Minister of Environment, Water and Forests19-
Minister of Family, Youth and Equal Opportunities111
Minister of Foreign Affairs1--
Minister of Health1--
Minister of Investments and European Projects11-
Minister of Justice1--
Minister of Labor & Social Justice1--
Minister of National Defense1141
Minister of Public Finance1--
Minister of Research, Innovation and Digitalization14-
Minister of Transport and Infrastructure115-
National legislative branchCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Member of the Chamber of Deputies-413224
Central banking and financial integrityCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Governor, National Bank of Romania1--
Vicegovernor of the National Bank of Romania-11
Diplomatic rolesCurrentEndedStatus unclear
ambassador of Armenia to Romania-1-
ambassador of Austria to Romania-3-
ambassador of France to Romania-51
ambassador of Germany to Romania-41
ambassador of Israel to Romania--1
ambassador of Japan to Romania--2
ambassador of Lithuania to Romania-1-
ambassador of Morocco to Romania--1
ambassador of Norway to Romania--1
ambassador of Palestine to Romania-41
ambassador of Poland to Romania-41
ambassador of Romania in Greece-2-
ambassador of Romania to Andorra-1-
ambassador of Romania to Argentina-1-
ambassador of Romania to Austria--2
ambassador of Romania to Burundi--1
ambassador of Romania to Chile-1-
ambassador of Romania to China-22
ambassador of Romania to Costa Rica-1-
ambassador of Romania to Denmark-1-
ambassador of Romania to El Salvador-1-
ambassador of Romania to France-2-
ambassador of Romania to Germany-3-
ambassador of Romania to Guatemala-1-
ambassador of Romania to Guinea-1-
ambassador of Romania to Honduras-1-
ambassador of Romania to Iceland-1-
ambassador of Romania to Ireland-1-
ambassador of Romania to Jamaica--1
ambassador of Romania to Jordan--1
ambassador of Romania to Kenya--1
ambassador of Romania to Malaysia--1
ambassador of Romania to Mali-1-
ambassador of Romania to Malta-11
ambassador of Romania to Mauritania-1-
ambassador of Romania to Mexico-11
ambassador of Romania to Morocco-2-
ambassador of Romania to Nicaragua-1-
ambassador of Romania to Palestine--1
ambassador of Romania to Paraguay-1-
ambassador of Romania to Poland-1-
ambassador of Romania to Portugal-3-
ambassador of Romania to Qatar-11
ambassador of Romania to Russia-1-
ambassador of Romania to Rwanda--1
ambassador of Romania to Saint Lucia--1
ambassador of Romania to San Marino--1
ambassador of Romania to Saudi Arabia--1
ambassador of Romania to Spain-2-
ambassador of Romania to the Bahamas--1
ambassador of Romania to the Philippines-2-
ambassador of Romania to the United Arab Emirates--1
Ambassador of Romania to the United Kingdom-31
ambassador of Romania to Tunisia-1-
ambassador of Romania to Turkey-1-
ambassador of Romania to Turkmenistan-11
ambassador of Romania to Uganda--1
ambassador of Russia to Romania-31
ambassador of Slovakia to Romania-11
ambassador of Spain to Romania-51
ambassador of the United Kingdom to Romania-41
ambassador of Ukraine to Romania--1
Ambassador to the US1--
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York1--
United States Ambassador to Romania-27

Subnational government positions

No positions for this category

Other positions

Number of known occupants
PositionCurrentEndedStatus unclear
member of the Chamber of Deputies of Romania-6061,307
member of the Senate of Romania-345108
Justice of the Constitutional Court of Romania-1510
Minister of Health of Romania-202
Minister of Finance-182
Minister of Culture-171
Minister of Internal Affairs-161
Prime Minister of Romania-151
Minister of Agriculture of Romania-141
Minister of Communications and Information Society-141
Minister of Justice of Romania-131
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania-94
President of the Senate of Romania-112
Deputy Prime Minister of Romania-102
Minister of Labour and Social Protection-111
President of the Chamber of Deputies of Romania-111
Minister of European Investments and Projects-101
Former Minister of Youth and Sport-8-
Minister for Development, Public Works and Administration-71
Minister-delegate for the relation with Parliament-7-
Member of the Crown Council of Romania-33
Minister-delegate for relations with Romanians everywhere-5-
president of Romania-41
Prosecutor General of Romania-41
Minister-delegate for social dialog-4-
First Lady of Romania-12
Minister for Businesses, Trade and Entrepreneurship-3-
Minister for European affairs-3-
minister of waterways and forestry-3-
Permanent Representative of Romania to the United Nations-3-
prefect of Mureș county-21
chairperson of Vrancea County Council-2-
Chief Prosecutor of the National Anticorruption Directorate-2-
Director of Romanian Intelligence Service-2-
Minister of Relations with the Parliament-2-
Minister of Tourism-2-
prefect of Vrancea county--2
Argeș County councillor--1
Bistrița-Năsăud County councillor-1-
Caraș-Severin County councillor-1-
chairperson of Alba County Council--1
chairperson of Bistrița-Năsăud County Council--1
chairperson of Brăila County Council--1
Chairperson of Buzău County Council--1
chairperson of Covasna County Council--1
chairperson of Harghita County Council--1
chairperson of Hunedoara County Council--1
chairperson of Satu Mare County Council--1
chairperson of Vaslui County Council--1
chairperson of Vâlcea County Council--1
Chief-Justice of the Constitutional Court of Romania--1
Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Internal Affairs1--
European Gendarmerie Force Commander-1-
Head of the House of Romania--1
Ilfov County councillor-1-
Member of the Great National Assembly of Romania--1
Minister Delegate for SMEs, Environment and Tourism-1-
Minister of Economy-1-
Minister of Entrepreneurship and Tourism-1-
Minister of Tourism and Regional Development of Romania-1-
Minister-Delegate for Administration-1-
Ministre des Affaires étrangères de la Roumanie1--
Ministry of Internal Affairs--1
prefect of Bistrița-Năsăud county-1-
prefect of Galați county-1-
prefect of Hunedoara county-1-
prefect of Mehedinți county-1-
prefect of Timiș county--1
prefect of Vâlcea county--1
Premier Ministre de la Roumanie1--
Président de la Roumanie1--
Spokesperson of the President of Romania-1-
Teleorman County councillor-1-

What do these numbers mean?

We keep track both if political positions and the individuals who occupy those positions over time. Of course, a person can hold a position for multiple terms, and multiple people can occupy the same position at the same time (e.g. members of parliament).

If a person previously held a position, and currently holds the same position, they are only counted once and recorded under Current. If it is unclear from the source whether they have left the position, they will be counted under Unclear.

How can status be unclear?

Some of the data sources we rely on indicate both past and present holders of political offices. In those cases, a lack of a precise end date for a person's occupancy of a position can mean that we don't know whether they currently hold the position or not. Read more...