US NTEEA Section 353 Corrupt and Undemocratic Actors Report

A list of persons who have been determined to have taken Actions that Undermine Democratic Processes or Institutions, Significant Corruption, or Obstruction of Such Corruption in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, published by the US State Department.

The U.S. Department of State Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs publishes this report submitted to congress consistent with Section 353(b) of the United States – Northern Triangle Enhanced Engagement Act (22 U.S.C. 2277a(b)).

From the report:

Under Section 353, foreign persons identified in the report submitted to Congress are generally ineligible for visas and admission to the United States. Any current visa shall be revoked immediately, and any other valid visa or entry documentation cancelled. Consistent with Section 353(g), this report will be published in the Federal Register.

This is an annual report and is therefore manually transferred to tabular form and not updated automatically. Last updated 16 October 2023.

Data overview

Entity types:
El Salvador26
Publisher:US State Department (State) · United States

The U.S. State Department's stated mission is to protect and promote U.S. security, prosperity, and democratic values and shape an international environment in which all Americans can thrive.

Source data:docs.google.com · CSV
Coverage:added · current until · update frequency: not automated
Last processed:2024-09-04 12:46:02
Last change:

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targets.nested.jsonTargets as nested JSON209.72 KB
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This dataset consolidates entities targeted by the following sanctions programs, policy regimes or sub-lists:

IDTitleIssuerTarget countries
[US-CORRUPT]US Corrupt And Undemocratic Actors ReportState United States

Recent additions

The following targeted entities have been added to this data source most recently:

Roberto David Castillo MejiaPersonHonduras
Jose Wilfredo Salgado GarciaPersonEl Salvador
José Luis MerinoPersonEl Salvador
Blanca Aida Stalling DavilaPersonGuatemala
Pablo Salvador Anliker InfantePersonEl Salvador
Elvin Ernesto SantosPersonHonduras
Porfirio Lobo SosaPersonHonduras
Cinthia Edelmira Monterroso GómezPersonGuatemala
Wendy Carolina Morales UrbinaPersonNicaragua
Jimi Rodolfo Bremer RamírezPersonGuatemala
Delia Bac AlvaradoPersonGuatemala
Alejandro Jorge Sinbaldi AparicioPersonGuatemala
Gendri Rocael Reyes MazariegosPersonGuatemala
José Luis Benito RuizPersonGuatemala
Rene Mario Figueroa FigueroaPersonEl Salvador