Ukraine NSDC State Register of Sanctions

List of individuals and legal entities subject to restrictive measures.

This dataset is derived from the State Register of Sanctions run by NSDC. The published sanctions list is based on press statements by the security council.

Data overview

Entity types:
84 countries · Show overview...
Publisher:National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) · Ukraine

The National Security and Defense Council (Рада національної безпеки і оборони України) of Ukraine is the coordinating body in matters pertaining to national security and defense under the President of Ukraine.

Collections:in Consolidated Sanctions · OpenSanctions Default
Source data:api-drs.nsdc.gov.ua · JSON
Coverage:added · update frequency: daily · every 3 hours
Last processed:2024-12-10 00:22:03
Last change:
Warnings:104 Warnings

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File nameExport typeSize
entities.ftm.jsonFollowTheMoney entities98.56 MB
names.txtTarget names text file3.73 MB
senzing.jsonSenzing entity format16.35 MB
targets.nested.jsonTargets as nested JSON91.06 MB
targets.simple.csvTargets as simplified CSV10.66 MB

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This dataset consolidates entities targeted by the following sanctions programs, policy regimes or sub-lists:

IDTitleIssuerTarget countries
[UA-SA1644]Law of Ukraine "On Sanctions" No. 1644-VII dated 14 Aug. 2014NSDC UkraineRussia  

Recent additions

The following targeted entities have been added to this data source most recently:

Kontareva Larysa VasylivnaPersonRussia
Somina Nataliia YevhenivnaPersonRussia
Klepikov Yevhen VasylovychPersonRussia
Tovarystvo z obmezhenoiu vidpovidalnistiu "TORH INVEST ZAKhID" (LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY "TORG INVEST WEST")OrganizationUkraine
Bielozorova Iryna VolodymyrivnaPersonRussia
Chereshnov Valerii OleksandrovychPersonRussia
Tikhomirov Mykola VasylovychPersonRussia
Lavreniuk Nataliia MykolayivnaPersonUkraine · Russia
Sharii Olha OleksiyivnaPersonUkraine
Tovarystvo z obmezhenoiu vidpovidalnistiu "Dzhei-Treid"; Obshchestvo s ohranychennoi otvetstvennostiu "Dzhei-Trэid"; Limited Liability Company "Jay-Trade"OrganizationRussia
Tovarystvo z obmezhenoiu vidpovidalnistiu "Shveimash SPB"; Obshchestvo s ohranychennoi otvetstvennostiu "Shveimash SPB"; Limited Liability Company "Shveymash SPB"OrganizationRussia
Tovarystvo z obmezhenoiu vidpovidalnistiu "DPS-Hrup"; Obshchestvo s ohranychennoi otvetstvennostiu "DPS-Hrupp"; Limited Liability Company "DPSGroup"OrganizationRussia
Tovarystvo z obmezhenoiu vidpovidalnistiu "Transmetal Profi"; Obshchestvo s ohranychennoi otvetstvennostiu "Transmetall Profy"; Limited Liability Company "Transmetal Profi"OrganizationRussia
Tovarystvo z obmezhenoiu vidpovidalnistiu "Transmetal Treid"; Obshchestvo s ohranychennoi otvetstvennostiu "Transmetall Treid"; Limited Liability Company "Transmetal Trade"OrganizationRussia
Tovarystvo z obmezhenoiu vidpovidalnistiu "Rustteks Hrup"; Obshchestvo s ohranychennoi otvetstvennostiu "Rustteks Hrupp"; Limited Liability Company "Rusttex Group"OrganizationRussia