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Mohammed Reza Sabahi

Crime · Sanctioned entity · Wanted
NameMOHAMMED REZA SABAHI · Mohammed Reza Sabahi · SABAHI, Mohammed Reza[sources]
Other nameMOHAMMAD REZA SABAHI · Mohammad Reza Sabahi[sources]
Weak aliasFaraz[sources]
Birth date[sources]
Place of birthTehran, Iran[sources]
Eye colorBrown[sources]
First nameMOHAMMED REZA · Mohammad Reza · Mohammed Reza[sources]
Hair colorBrown[sources]
ID Number041-023144-4[sources]
Last nameSABAHI · Sabahi[sources]
Weight170 pounds[sources]
Source ·[sources]
Last changeLast processedFirst seen


NCIC: W193070636

US FBI Most Wanted,

Mohammed Reza Sabahi is wanted for his alleged involvement in criminal activities, including obtaining unauthorized access to computer systems, stealing proprietary data from those systems, and selling that stolen data to Iranian customers such as Iranian universities and the Iranian government.  Sabahi was a contractor for the

US FBI Most Wanted,

Sabahi is known to speak Farsi and resides in Iran.

US FBI Most Wanted,


Data sources

US OFAC Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) List34,349

The primary United States' sanctions list, specially designated nationals (SDN) part.

United States · OFAC

US FBI Most Wanted452

The FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives is a most wanted list maintained by the United States's Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

United States · FBI

US SAM Procurement Exclusions113,689

A database of suppliers who have been excluded from participating in US federal procurement.

United States · GSA

US Trade Consolidated Screening List (CSL)21,852

The Consolidated Screening List (CSL) is a list of parties for which the United States Government maintains restrictions on certain exports, re-exports, or transfers of items.

United States · ITA

Source data IDs: usgsa-s4mr6cjl2 · ofac-24035 · us-fbi-mohammed-reza-sabahi

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