Type | Organization | [sources] | |||
Name | AL-QATIRJI COMPANY · Al Qatarji Company · Al-Qatirji Company · Al-Sham and Al-Darwish Company · Grupa Katerji · | [sources] | |||
Other name | AL-SHAM AND AL-DARWISH COMPANY · Al-Qatirji · Al-Sham and Al-Darwish Company · Al-Sham and al-Darwish Company · Company · | [sources] | |||
Legal form | Export. Import. Supplying oil and commodities. Trucking company · private company | [sources] | |||
Country | Syria | [sources] | |||
Registration number | DKJVHWCQ55H8 | [sources] | |||
Sector | Activities of holding companies | [sources] | |||
Unique Entity ID | DKJVHWCQ55H8 | [sources] | |||
Status | not available | [sources] | |||
Address | MAZZAH, DAMASCUS, SYR · Mazzah, Damas · Mazzah, Damascus · Mazzah, Damascus, SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC · Mazzah, Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic | [sources] | |||
Source link | gels-avoirs.dgtresor.gouv.fr · sanctionssearch.ofac.treas.gov | [sources] | |||
Last change | Last processed | First seen |
Type of entity: private company; Business sector: import/export; trucking; supply of oil and commodities; Name of Director/Management: Hussam al-Qatarji, CEO (designated by the Council of the EU); Ultimate beneficial owner: Hussam al-Qatarji (designated by the Council); Registered address: Mazzah, Damascus, Syria; Relatives/business associates/entities or partners/links: Arvada/Arfada Petroleum Company JSC.
Prominent company operating across multiple sectors of the Syrian economy. By facilitating fuel, arms and ammunition trade between the regime and various actors including ISIL (Da’esh) under the pretext of importing and exporting food items, supporting militias fighting alongside the regime and taking advantage of its ties with the regime to expand its commercial activity, Al Qatarji Company – whose board is headed by designated person Hussam Al Qatarji, a member of the Syrian People’s Assembly – supports and benefits from the Syrian regime.
Relatives/business associates/entities or partners/links: Arvada/Arfada Petroleum Company JSC
Name of Director/Management: Hussam al-Qatirji, CEO (designated by the Council)
Business sector: import/export; trucking; supply of oil and commodities
Ultimate beneficial owner: Hussam al-Qatirji (designated by the Council)
Type of entity: private company; Business sector: import/export; trucking; supply of oil and commodities; Name of Director/Management: Hussam al-Qatarji, CEO (designated by the Council of the EU); Ultimate beneficial owner: Hussam al-Qatarji (designated by the Council); Registered address: Mazzah, Damascus, Syria; Relatives/business associates/entities or partners/links: Arvada/Arfada Petroleum Company JSC.
Secteur d'activité : import/export ; transport routier ; fourniture de pétrole et de marchandises .Nom du directeur/direction : Hussam AL-QATIRJI, directeur général - Parents/associés/entités ou partenaires d'affaires/liens : Arvada/Arfada Petroleum Company JSC: entreprise privée
Bénéficiaire effectif ultime: Hussam al-Qatirji, directeur général (désigné par le Conseil)
Entreprise de premier plan exerçant des activités dans de nombreux secteurs de l'économie syrienne. En facilitant les échanges de carburants, d'armes et de munitions entre le régime et différents acteurs, dont l'EIIL (Daech), sous couvert d'importation et d'exportation de produits alimentaires, en soutenant les milices qui combattent aux côtés du régime et en tirant parti de ses liens avec le régime pour étendre son activité commerciale, Al Qatarji Company - dont le conseil d'administration est dirigé par une personne désignée, Hussam al-Qatirji, membre de l'Assemblée du peuple syrien - soutient le régime syrien et en tire avantage. Parents/associés/entités ou partenaires d'affaires/liens: Arvada/Arfada Petroleum Company JSC
Hussam AL-QATIRJI, CEO (EU-designated) Ultimate beneficial owner(s): Hussam AL-QATIRJI, Muhammad Baraa QATERJI (EU-designated) Relatives/business associates/entities or partners/links: Arvada/Arfada Petroleum Company JSC Registered address or each jurisdiction): Mazzah, Damascus, Syria
Hussam AL-QATIRJI, CEO (EU-designated) Ultimate beneficial owner(s): Hussam AL-QATIRJI, Muhammad Baraa QATERJI (EU-designated) Relatives/business associates/entities or partners/links: Arvada/Arfada Petroleum Company JSC Registered address or each jurisdiction): Mazzah, Damascus, Syria
Type d’entité: entreprise privée; Secteur d’activité: import-export; transport routier; fourniture de pétrole et de marchandises; Nom du directeur/direction: Hussam Al Qatarji, directeur général (désigné par le Conseil); Bénéficiaire effectif ultime: Hussam Al Qatarji, directeur général (désigné par le Conseil); Adresse du siège social: Mazzah, Damas, Syrie; Parents/associés/entités ou partenaires d’affaires/liens: Arvada/Arfada Petroleum Company JSC
Belgium extends the European FSF sanctions list on the basis of a national terrorist list, issued by the National Security Council
Belgium · FOD
A list of entities subject to fund and economic resource freezing procedures
Monaco · Monaco
UK sanctions collated by the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
United Kingdom · FCDO
A database of suppliers who have been excluded from participating in US federal procurement.
United States · GSA
Switzerland manages a sanctions lists with a high degree of detail on the individuals that are subject to it's embargoes
Switzerland · SECO
The primary United States' sanctions list, specially designated nationals (SDN) part.
United States · OFAC
As part of the Common Foreign Security Policy the European Union publishes a sanctions list that is implemented by all member states.
European Union · DG FISMA
The register lists all persons, entities and vessels subject to asset freezing measures in force on French territory, pursuant to national, European and international (UN) provisions.
France · DGT
This dataset contains both UN-mandated and the national sanctions designations for Qatar (Targeted Financial Sanctions).
Qatar · NCTC
The Consolidated Screening List (CSL) is a list of parties for which the United States Government maintains restrictions on certain exports, re-exports, or transfers of items.
United States · ITA
The United Kingom's consolidated international sanctions list.
United Kingdom · OFSI
· mc-freezes-3fb67a0b47961d8e8d41cf922108991edfdec48d
· qa-nctc-92-al-qatirji-company
· gb-hmt-13822
· usgsa-s4mr6qvsm
· eu-fsf-eu-5521-8
· ofac-24903
· fr-ga-1905
· ch-seco-41390
For experts: raw data explorer
OpenSanctions is free for non-commercial users. Businesses must acquire a data license to use the dataset.
Address | ||
Full address | Country | |
Mazzah, Damascus | Syria | |
Mazzah, Damascus, SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC · Mazzah, Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic | Syria |
Agents | ||||
Agent | Role | Start date | End date | |
Muhammad Agha Ahmed Rashdi Qatirji Sanctioned entity | Acting for or on behalf of | - | - | |
Hussam Ahmed Al-Katerji Politician · Sanctioned entity | Acting for or on behalf of | - | - | |
'Abbas KATERJI Sanctioned entity | Acting for or on behalf of | - | - |
Assets and shares | ||||
Asset | Percentage held | Start date | End date | |
CHLOE Sanctioned entity | - | - | - | |
Arfada Petroleum Private Joint Stock Company Sanctioned entity | - | - | - | |
LOTUS Sanctioned entity | - | - | - | |
Arfada Petroleum Private Joint Stock Company Sanctioned entity | - | - | - |
Linked from | ||||
Subject | Role | Start date | End date | |
Moshtaq Tejarat Sanat Co JSC Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Salina Ship Management Pvt Ltd Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
AMITIS JAZIREH KISH SHIP MANAGEMENT CO LLC Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Bluespectrum Shipping S.A. Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Elias Shipping & Trading Group SA Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Nativa Management Ltd Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Hussam Ahmed Al-Katerji Politician · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - | |
Softwater Navigation Holding Ltd. Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Pearl Shipping & Trading Ltd Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Veline Shiptrade Incorporated Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - |
Linked to | ||||
Object | Role | Start date | End date | |
Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Terrorism · Sanctioned entity | Providing support to | - | - | |
Hussam Ahmed Al-Katerji Politician · Sanctioned entity | related-to | - | - |