Type | Person | [sources] | |||
Name | ALSHAER, Saleh Mesfer · SALEH MESFER SALEH AL SHAER · Saleh Mesfer Alshaer · Saleh Mesfer Saleh Al Shaer · Saleh Mesfer al Shaer · | [sources] | |||
Other name | Abu Yasser · Pseudonymes peu fiables : Saleh Mosfer Saleh al Shaer Saleh Musfer Saleh al Shaer Saleh Mesfer al Shaer Saleh al Shae Saleh al Sha’ir Abu Yasser · Saleh Al-Shaer · Saleh Mesfer Saleh Alshaer · Saleh Mesfer al Shaer · | [sources] | |||
Weak alias | Abu Yasser · Saleh Mesfer al Shaer · Saleh Mosfer Saleh al Shaer · Saleh Musfer Saleh al Shaer · Saleh al Sha'ir · | [sources] | |||
Birth date | · · | [sources] | |||
Place of birth | Al Safrah, Sa'dah Governorate, Yemen · Al Safrah, Sadah Governorate, Yemen · Al Safrah, Sa’dah Governorate · Al Safrah, Sa’dah Governorate Yemen · Al Safrah, Sa’dah Governorate, Yemen · | [sources] | |||
Gender | male | [sources] | |||
Nationality | Yemen | [sources] | |||
Country | Yemen | [sources] | |||
Country of birth | Yemen | [sources] | |||
First name | Abu · SALEH · Saleh · Salih · صالح مسفر صالح الشاعر | [sources] | |||
ID Number | 00481779 · 05274639 · 10010057512 · 10010057512(イエメン) · 1388114 · | [sources] | |||
Last name | AL SHAER · Al Shaer · Al-Shaer · Alshaer · SALEH MESFER SALEH AL SHAER · | [sources] | |||
Middle name | AL SHAER · Mesfer · Mesfer Saleh · Misfer · SALEH · | [sources] | |||
Passport number | 00481779 · 00481779(イエメン)(2000年12月9日発行、2006年12月9日失効) · 05274639 · 05274639(イエメン)(2013年10月7日発行、2019年10月7日失効) | [sources] | |||
Patronymic | Saleh | [sources] | |||
Second name | MESFER · Mesfer · Mosfer · Musfer | [sources] | |||
Title | Major General · Major General, ‘Judicial Custodian’ of properties and funds owned by Houthis’ opponents | [sources] | |||
Position | Administrateur judiciaire de biens et de fonds appartenant à des adversaires des houthistes · Général de division · Général de division, « Administrateur judiciaire » de biens et de fonds appartenant à des adversaires des houthistes · Judicial Custodian of properties and funds owned by Houthis’ opponents · Major General · | [sources] | |||
Address | Sana'a · Yemen · イエメン | [sources] | |||
Source link | gels-avoirs.dgtresor.gouv.fr · sanctionssearch.ofac.treas.gov | [sources] | |||
Last change | Last processed | First seen |
Major General, ‘Judicial Custodian’ of properties and funds owned by Houthis’ opponents, Passport no: a) Yemen number 05274639, issued on 7 Oct. 2013 (Expiration date: 7 Oct 2019) b) Yemen number 00481779, issued on 9 Dec. 2000 (Expiration date: 9 Dec 2006) National identification no: a) Yemen 1388114 b) Yemen 10010057512. As Houthi ‘Assistant Minister of Defence for Logistics’, assisted the Houthis in acquiring smuggled arms and weapons. As ‘Judicial Custodian’ directly involved in the widespread and unlawful appropriation of assets and entities owned by private individuals under arrest by the Houthis or forced to take refuge outside of Yemen. Physical Description: Eye Colour: Brown; Hair: Grey; Complexion: Medium; Build: Slim; Height (ft/in): Unknown; Weight (lbs): Unknown; and Clan: Member of the Hashid tribal confederacy.
Physical Description: Eye Colour: Brown; Hair: Grey; Complexion: Medium; Build: Slim; Height (ft/in): Unknown; Weight (lbs): Unknown; and Clan: Member of the Hashid tribal confederacy.
UNLI - 09.11.2021
Designation : Major General, ‘Judicial Custodian’ of properties and funds owned by Houthis’ opponents
As Houthi ‘Assistant Minister of Defence for Logistics’, assisted the Houthis in acquiring smuggled arms and weapons. As ‘Judicial Custodian’ directly involved in the widespread and unlawful appropriation of assets and entities owned by private individuals under arrest by the Houthis or forced to take refuge outside of Yemen. Physical Description: Eye Colour: Brown; Hair: Grey; Complexion: Medium; Build: Slim; Height (ft/in): Unknown; Weight (lbs): Unknown; and Clan: Member of the Hashid tribal confederacy. available.
UNLI - 09.11.2021
Physical Description: Eye Colour: Brown; Hair: Grey; Complexion: Medium; Build: Slim; Height (ft/in): Unknown; Weight (lbs): Unknown; and Clan: Member of the Hashid tribal confederacy.
Physical Description: Eye Colour: Brown; Hair: Grey; Complexion: Medium; Build: Slim; Height (ft/in): Unknown; Weight (lbs): Unknown; and Clan: Member of the Hashid tribal confederacy.
UNLI - 09.11.2021
Général de division, « Administrateur judiciaire » de biens et de fonds appartenant à des adversaires des houthistes. En tant que Ministre adjoint de la défense houthiste chargé de la logistique, a aidé les houthistes à se procurer des armes de contrebande. En sa qualité d'« administrateur judiciaire », directement impliqué dans la saisie illicite et à grande échelle de biens et d'entités appartenant à des particuliers arrêtés par les houthistes ou contraints de se réfugier hors du Yémen. Signalement : couleur des yeux : marron ; couleur des cheveux : gris ; teint : moyen ; corpulence : mince ; taille (m/cm) : inconnu ; poids (kg) : inconnu ; clan : membre de la confédération tribale Hached. Photographie disponible pour la Notice spéciale INTERPOL-Conseil de sécurité de l'Organisation des Nations Unies, site web: https://www.interpol.int/fr/How-we-work/Notices/View-UN-Notices-Individuals. - Saleh Mesfer Saleh Al Shaer s'est livré à des actes qui menacent la paix, la sécurité et la stabilité au Yémen et répond aux critères de désignation énoncés au paragraphe 17 de la résolution 2140 (2014). En tant que ministre adjoint de la défense houthiste chargé de la logistique, Saleh Mesfer Saleh Al Shaer a aidé les houthistes à se procurer des armes de contrebande. Il est également inscrit sur la liste du fait de son implication directe depuis le début 2018 dans la saisie illicite et à grande échelle de biens et d'entités appartenant à des particuliers arrêtés par les houthistes ou contraints de se réfugier hors du Yémen, en sa qualité d'"administrateur judiciaire" et en violation du droit international humanitaire. Al Shaer a fait usage de son autorité et d'un réseau basé à Sanaa constitué de membres de sa famille, du tribunal pénal spécial, du bureau de la sûreté nationale, de la banque centrale, des services de registre du Ministère du commerce et de l'industrie et de certaines banques privées pour déposséder arbitrairement de leur fortune certains particuliers et entités sans aucune procédure judiciaire ni aucune possibilité de recours.
With reference to the UN Panel of Experts’ Statement of Case of 28 August 2019, Saleh Mesfer Saleh Al Shaer has engaged in acts that threaten the peace, security, and stability of Yemen thereby meeting the criteria for designation as laid out in Paragraph 17 of Resolution 2140 (2014). Serving as the Houthis’ Assistant Minister of Defence for Logistics, Saleh Mesfer Saleh Al Shaer assisted the Houthis in acquiring smuggled arms and weapons. He is also listed in connection with his direct involvement since early 2018 in the widespread and unlawful appropriation of assets and entities owned by private individuals under arrest by the Houthis or forced to take refuge outside of Yemen, in his capacity as ‘Judicial Custodian’ and in violation of international humanitarian law. Al Shaer has used his authority and a Sana'a based network comprising members of his family, a special criminal court, the national security bureau, the central bank, the registrar services of the Yemeni Ministry of Trade and Industry, and some private banks in order to arbitrarily dispossess selected private individuals and entities of their wealth without any due judicial process or a possibility of redress.
With reference to the UN Panel of Experts’ Statement of Case of 28 August 2019, Saleh Mesfer Saleh Al Shaer has engaged in acts that threaten the peace, security, and stability of Yemen thereby meeting the criteria for designation as laid out in Paragraph 17 of Resolution 2140 (2014). Serving as the Houthis’ Assistant Minister of Defence for Logistics, Saleh Mesfer Saleh Al Shaer assisted the Houthis in acquiring smuggled arms and weapons. He is also listed in connection with his direct involvement since early 2018 in the widespread and unlawful appropriation of assets and entities owned by private individuals under arrest by the Houthis or forced to take refuge outside of Yemen, in his capacity as ‘Judicial Custodian’ and in violation of international humanitarian law. Al Shaer has used his authority and a Sana'a based network comprising members of his family, a special criminal court, the national security bureau, the central bank, the registrar services of the Yemeni Ministry of Trade and Industry, and some private banks in order to arbitrarily dispossess selected private individuals and entities of their wealth without any due judicial process or a possibility of redress.
Numéro de passeport: a) passeport yéménite numéro 05274639, délivré le 7 oct. 2013 (date d’expiration: 7 oct. 2019) b) passeport yéménite numéro 00481779, délivré le 9 déc. 2000 (date d’expiration: 9 déc. 2006) Numéro national d’identification: a) numéro yéménite d’identification 1388114 b) numéro yéménite d’identification 10010057512 Adresse: Yémen
As Houthi ‘Assistant Minister of Defence for Logistics’, assisted the Houthis in acquiring smuggled arms and weapons. As ‘Judicial Custodian’ directly involved in the widespread and unlawful appropriation of assets and entities owned by private individuals under arrest by the Houthis or forced to take refuge outside of Yemen. Physical Description: Eye Colour: Brown; Hair: Grey; Complexion: Medium; Build: Slim; Height (ft/in): Unknown; Weight (lbs): Unknown; and Clan: Member of the Hashid tribal confederacy. Photograph available for inclusion in INTERPOL-UNSC Special Notice web link:
As Houthi Assistant Minister of Defence for Logistics, assisted the Houthis in acquiring smuggled arms and weapons. As Judicial Custodian directly involved in the widespread and unlawful appropriation of assets and entities owned by private individuals under arrest by the Houthis or forced to take refuge outside of Yemen. Physical Description: Eye Colour: Brown; Hair: Grey; Complexion: Medium; Build: Slim; Height (ft/in): Unknown; Weight (lbs): Unknown; and Clan: Member of the Hashid tribal confederacy. Photograph available for inclusion in INTERPOL-UNSC Special Notice web link:
The Security Council's set of sanctions serve as the foundation for most national sanctions lists.
Switzerland manages a sanctions lists with a high degree of detail on the individuals that are subject to it's embargoes
Switzerland · SECO
The South African FIC sanctions list, largely based on UN Security Council sanctions.
South Africa · FIC
The Consolidated List is a list of all persons and entities who are subject to targeted financial sanctions under Australian sanctions law
Australia · DFAT
As part of the Common Foreign Security Policy the European Union publishes a sanctions list that is implemented by all member states.
European Union · DG FISMA
The United Kingom's consolidated international sanctions list.
United Kingdom · OFSI
The register lists all persons, entities and vessels subject to asset freezing measures in force on French territory, pursuant to national, European and international (UN) provisions.
France · DGT
Sanctions imposed by Japan under its Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law.
Japan · MoF
The Consolidated Screening List (CSL) is a list of parties for which the United States Government maintains restrictions on certain exports, re-exports, or transfers of items.
United States · ITA
The primary United States' sanctions list, specially designated nationals (SDN) part.
United States · OFAC
UK sanctions collated by the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
United Kingdom · FCDO
Consolidated information about individuals who have been banned from traveling to the European Union, released as part of the EU Sanctions Map.
European Union · Council
Belgium extends the European FSF sanctions list on the basis of a national terrorist list, issued by the National Security Council
Belgium · FOD
A list of entities subject to fund and economic resource freezing procedures
Monaco · Monaco
Ukraine's financial intelligence unit publishes this list of sanctioned individuals.
Ukraine · SFMS
· zafic-19878
· eu-fsf-eu-6672-43
· unsc-6908863
· ofac-31192
· ch-seco-46458
· au-dfat-6266-saleh-mesfer-saleh-al-shaer
· gb-fcdo-yem0009
· eu-tb-logical-131805
· ua-sfms-1636
· fr-ga-3693
· ja-mof-ac1375853f32e1e704750ecd13b7557c143017ca
· mc-freezes-109909eee61828434ee9ddca58470c57887bf3af
· gb-hmt-14141
· zafic-89
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Address | ||
Full address | Country | |
Yemen | Yemen | |
Sana'a · Sana'a, Yemen · Sanaa, Yemen · Sana’a, Yemen · | Yemen | |
イエメン | Yemen |