Type | Person | [sources] | |||
Name | AL-MADANI, Yusuf · YUSUF AL-MADANI · Yusuf AL-MADANI · Yusuf Al-Madani · یوسف المداني · | [sources] | |||
Other name | YOUSEF AHSSAN ISMAIL AL-MADANI · YOUSSEF AL-MADANI · YUSIF AL-MADANI · Yousef Ahssan Ismail AL-MADANI · Youssef AL-MADANI · | [sources] | |||
Weak alias | Abu Husayn | [sources] | |||
Birth date | [sources] | ||||
Place of birth | District de Muhatta, province de Hajja, YEMEN · Muhatta Directorate, Hajjah Province · Muhatta Directorate, Hajjah Province Yemen · Muhatta Directorate, Hajjah Province, YEMEN · Muhatta Directorate, Hajjah Province, Yemen · | [sources] | |||
Gender | male | [sources] | |||
Nationality | Yemen | [sources] | |||
Country | Yemen | [sources] | |||
Country of birth | Yemen | [sources] | |||
First name | YUSUF · Yousef · Youssef · Yusif · Yusuf · | [sources] | |||
Last name | AL-MADANI · Al-Madani · YUSUF AL-MADANI | [sources] | |||
Middle name | Ahssan Ismail | [sources] | |||
Second name | AL-MADANI | [sources] | |||
Title | Major General · 少将 | [sources] | |||
Position | Commandant de la cinquième région militaire houthiste · Commander of the Houthis Fifth Military Region · Commander of the Houthi’s Fifth Military Region · Général de division · Général de division Commandant de la cinquième région militaire houthiste. · | [sources] | |||
Address | Yemen · イエメン | [sources] | |||
Source link | gels-avoirs.dgtresor.gouv.fr · sanctionssearch.ofac.treas.gov | [sources] | |||
Last change | Last processed | First seen |
Title: Major General Designation: Commander of the Houthi’s Fifth Military Region. A prominent leader of Houthi forces and commander of forces in Hudaydah, Hajjah, Al Mahwit, and Raymah, Yemen – threatening the peace, security, and stability of Yemen. As of 2021, Al-Madani was assigned to the offensive targeting Marib.
UNLI - 09.11.2021
Designation: Commander of the Houthi’s Fifth Military Region
A prominent leader of Houthi forces and commander of forces in Hudaydah, Hajjah, Al Mahwit, and Raymah, Yemen – threatening the peace, security, and stability of Yemen. As of 2021, Al-Madani was assigned to the offensive targeting Marib. available.
UNLI - 09.11.2021
UNLI - 09.11.2021
Chef connu des forces houthistes et commandant des forces à Hodeïda, Hajja, Mahouit et Reïma, Yémen – mettant en péril la paix, la sécurité et la stabilité au Yémen. En 2021, Al-Madani a été chargé de l'offensive visant Mareb. Photographie disponible pour la Notice spéciale INTERPOL-Conseil de sécurité de l'Organisation des Nations Unies, site web: https://www.interpol.int/fr/How-we-work/Notices/View-UN-Notices-Individuals - Al-Madani est inscrit sur la liste en raison de son implication et de son rôle prépondérant dans des campagnes militaires houthistes qui menacent la paix, la sécurité et la stabilité au Yémen, et répond ainsi aux critères de désignation énoncés au paragraphe 17 de la résolution 2140 (2014). Al-Madani est un chef connu des forces houthistes et le commandant des forces à Hodeïda, Hajja, Mahouit et Reïma, Yémen. En 2021, Al-Madani était chargé de l'offensive visant Mareb. Le redéploiement constant des houthistes et d'autres violations des dispositions relatives au cessez-le-feu énoncées dans l'Accord d'Hodeïda ont déstabilisé une ville qui est un point de passage crucial pour les articles humanitaires et les produits commerciaux essentiels. En outre, il est régulièrement fait état d'attaques des houtistes dont pâtissent les civils et les infrastructures civiles à Hodeïda et alentours, ce qui exacerbe davantage encore la situation pour des Yéménites dont les besoins humanitaires sont parmi les plus grands dans le pays.
Al-Madani is listed for his involvement in and leadership of Houthi military campaigns that threaten the peace, security, and stability of Yemen thereby meeting the criteria for designation as laid out in Paragraph 17 of Resolution 2140 (2014). Al-Madani is a prominent leader of Houthi forces and is the commander of forces in Hudaydah, Hajjah, Al Mahwit, and Raymah, Yemen. As of 2021, Al-Madani was assigned to the offensive targeting Marib. Persistent Houthi repositioning and other violations of the ceasefire provisions of the Hudaydah Agreement have destabilized a city that serves as a critical thoroughfare for humanitarian and essential commercial commodities. Additionally, there are regular reports of Houthi attacks impacting civilians and civilian infrastructure in and around Hudaydah, further exacerbating the situation for Yemenis facing some of the highest levels of humanitarian need in the country.
Al-Madani is listed for his involvement in and leadership of Houthi military campaigns that threaten the peace, security, and stability of Yemen thereby meeting the criteria for designation as laid out in Paragraph 17 of Resolution 2140 (2014). Al-Madani is a prominent leader of Houthi forces and is the commander of forces in Hudaydah, Hajjah, Al Mahwit, and Raymah, Yemen. As of 2021, Al-Madani was assigned to the offensive targeting Marib. Persistent Houthi repositioning and other violations of the ceasefire provisions of the Hudaydah Agreement have destabilized a city that serves as a critical thoroughfare for humanitarian and essential commercial commodities. Additionally, there are regular reports of Houthi attacks impacting civilians and civilian infrastructure in and around Hudaydah, further exacerbating the situation for Yemenis facing some of the highest levels of humanitarian need in the country.
Adresse: Yémen
A prominent leader of Houthi forces and commander of forces in Hudaydah, Hajjah, Al Mahwit, and Raymah, Yemen – threatening the peace, security, and stability of Yemen. As of 2021, Al-Madani was assigned to the offensive targeting Marib. Photograph available for inclusion in
A prominent leader of Houthi forces and commander of forces in Hudaydah, Hajjah, Al Mahwit, and Raymah, Yemen - threatening the peace, security, and stability of Yemen. As of 2021, Al-Madani was assigned to the offensive targeting Marib. Photograph available for inclusion in
Switzerland manages a sanctions lists with a high degree of detail on the individuals that are subject to it's embargoes
Switzerland · SECO
Ukraine's financial intelligence unit publishes this list of sanctioned individuals.
Ukraine · SFMS
As part of the Common Foreign Security Policy the European Union publishes a sanctions list that is implemented by all member states.
European Union · DG FISMA
Belgium extends the European FSF sanctions list on the basis of a national terrorist list, issued by the National Security Council
Belgium · FOD
The primary United States' sanctions list, specially designated nationals (SDN) part.
United States · OFAC
Consolidated information about individuals who have been banned from traveling to the European Union, released as part of the EU Sanctions Map.
European Union · Council
UK sanctions collated by the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
United Kingdom · FCDO
The Security Council's set of sanctions serve as the foundation for most national sanctions lists.
The register lists all persons, entities and vessels subject to asset freezing measures in force on French territory, pursuant to national, European and international (UN) provisions.
France · DGT
The Consolidated List is a list of all persons and entities who are subject to targeted financial sanctions under Australian sanctions law
Australia · DFAT
Sanctions imposed by Japan under its Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law.
Japan · MoF
The Consolidated Screening List (CSL) is a list of parties for which the United States Government maintains restrictions on certain exports, re-exports, or transfers of items.
United States · ITA
The United Kingom's consolidated international sanctions list.
United Kingdom · OFSI
A list of entities subject to fund and economic resource freezing procedures
Monaco · Monaco
A database of suppliers who have been excluded from participating in US federal procurement.
United States · GSA
The South African FIC sanctions list, largely based on UN Security Council sanctions.
South Africa · FIC
· fr-ga-3695
· ua-sfms-1638
· gb-hmt-14144
· NK-Tq79sK38JqCDeeLssyLbhH
· ch-seco-46496
· au-dfat-6268-yusuf-al-madani
· NK-RrjiHXGXmYkXYhBCss9o6L
· eu-tb-logical-131829
· unsc-6908865
· gb-fcdo-yem0008
· ofac-31971
· zafic-19880
· usgsa-s4mrh2k5v
· zafic-126
· zafic-127-yusuf-al-madani
· mc-freezes-4748cc6119fd23e27ff53753680599e4c2472af3
· ja-mof-d285d9bcc8716964e4c920d72d3cf897caad5c0d
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