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Pablo Salvador Anliker Infante

Politician · Sanctioned entity
Pablo Salvador Anliker Infante is subject to sanctions. See the individual program listings below. They are also a politically exposed person.
NamePablo Salvador Anliker Infante[sources]
Other namePablo Salvador Anliker Infante[sources]
Birth datenot available[sources]
Nationalitynot available[sources]
CountryEl Salvador[sources]
Wikidata IDQ110164921[sources]
PositionMinister of Agriculture and Livestock (2019-2021)[sources]
Last changeLast processedFirst seen


politician in El Salvador

Wikidata non-official source,


Data sources

US NTEEA Section 353 Corrupt and Undemocratic Actors Report153

A list of persons who have been determined to have taken Actions that Undermine Democratic Processes or Institutions, Significant Corruption, or Obstruction of Such Corruption in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, published by the US State Department.

United States · State

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Source data IDs: us-nteea-353-8bbf5fdba4d531f4dbfdfce57b5b0713a6c14555

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