Type | Person | [sources] | |||
Name | Gutseriev Mikhail Safarbekovich · Hutseriiev Mykhailo Safarbekovych · Michail Guceriev · Michail Gucerjev · Michail Safarbekovitj GUTSERIJEV · | [sources] | |||
Other name | Gutseriev Mikhail · Michail Guzerijew · Mikail Safarbekovich Gutseriyev · Mikhail Goutseriev · Mikhail Gutseriev · | [sources] | |||
Weak alias | Gutseriyev · Guzerijew | [sources] | |||
Birth date | · | [sources] | |||
Place of birth | Akmolinsk (ex-URSS) · Akmolinsk, Kazakhstan · Akmolinsk, ex-URSS (actuellement Kazakhstan) · Almaty · Almaty Kazakhstan · | [sources] | |||
Gender | male | [sources] | |||
Nationality | Cyprus · Russia | [sources] | |||
Country | Kazakhstan · Russia | [sources] | |||
Citizenship | Cyprus · Russia · Soviet Union | [sources] | |||
Country of birth | Kazakhstan | [sources] | |||
First name | Michaił · Mikail · Mikhail · Mikhail Safarbekovich · Mikhail Safarbekovich · | [sources] | |||
INN | 772342802484 | [sources] | |||
Last name | GUCERJEW · GUTSERIEV · Gutseriev · Gutseriyev · ГУЦЕРИЕВ | [sources] | |||
Middle name | Safarbekovich | [sources] | |||
Passport number | 55 0344417 · K00162033 | [sources] | |||
Patronymic | Safarbekovich · САФАРБЕКОВИЧ · Сафарбекович | [sources] | |||
Second name | Safarbekovich | [sources] | |||
Wikidata ID | Q1346607 | [sources] | |||
Position | Actionnaire et président du conseil d’administration de Slavkali · Businessman · Businessman, shareholder and chairman of the board of executives of Slavkali, chairman of the board of directors and shareholder of: JSC Mospromstroi, Industrial Financial Group Safmar JSC, LLC Proekt Grad. Member of the board of directors and shareholder of JSC NKNeftisa · Homme d'affaires · Homme d’affaires, actionnaire et président du conseil d’administration de Slavkali. Président du conseil d’administration et actionnaire de JSC Mospromstroi, Industrial Financial Group Safmar JSC, LLC Proekt Grad. Membre du conseil d’administration et actionnaire de JSC NKNeftisa. · | [sources] | |||
Education | Doctor of Economics · Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation · Gubkin University · PhD in Law | [sources] | |||
Religion | Islam | [sources] | |||
Source link | gels-avoirs.dgtresor.gouv.fr · prod-upp-image-read.ft.com | [sources] | |||
Last change | Last processed | First seen |
Businessman, owner of Safmar, Slavkali and Slavneft companies
Corrigendum 2023/419 (OJ L61) [corr. 28/03/2023-1]
Mikhail Gutseriev is a prominent Russian businessman, with business interests in Belarus in the sectors of energy, potash, hospitality and others. He is a long-time acquaintance of Aliaksandr Lukashenka and thanks to that association has accumulated significant wealth and influence among the political elite in Belarus. Safmar, a company which has been controlled by Gutseriev, was the only Russian oil firm that carried on supplying oil to Belarusian refineries during the energy crisis between Belarus and Russia in early 2020. Gutseriev also supported Lukashenka in disputes with Russia over oil deliveries. Gutseriev has been the chairman of the board of directors of, and a shareholder in, the Slavkali company, which is building the Nezhinsky potassium chloride mining and processing plant based on the Starobinsky potash salt deposit near Lyuban. It is the largest investment in Belarus, worth USD 2 billion. Lukashenka promised to rename the town of Lyuban ‘Gutserievsk’ in his honour. His other businesses in Belarus have included fuelling stations and oil depots, a hotel, a business centre and an airport terminal in Minsk. Lukashenka came to Gutseriev’s defence after a criminal investigation was initiated against him in Russia. Lukashenka also thanked Gutseriev for his financial contributions to charity and investments worth billions of dollars in Belarus. Gutseriev is reported to have gifted Lukashenka luxurious presents. Gutseriev also declared himself to be the owner of a residency which de facto belongs to Lukashenka, thus covering him up when journalists started to investigate Lukashenka’s assets. Gutseriev attended Lukashenka’s secret inauguration on 23 Sep 2020. In Oct 2020 Lukashenka and Gutseriev both appeared at the opening of an orthodox church, which the latter sponsored. According to media reports, when the striking employees of Belarusian state-owned media were fired in Aug 2020, Russian media workers were flown to Belarus on board aircraft belonging to Gutseriev in order to replace the fired workers, and lodged in the Minsk Renaissance Hotel belonging to Gutseriev. Gutseriev assisted with the acquisition of CT scanners for Belarus during the COVID-19 crisis. Mikhail Gutseriev is therefore benefitting from and supporting the Lukashenka regime.
Businessman, shareholder and chairman of the board of executives of Slavkali, chairman of the board of directors and shareholder of: JSC Mospromstroi, Industrial Financial Group Safmar JSC, LLC Proekt Grad
Member of the board of directors and shareholder of JSC NKNeftisa
Corrigendum 2023/419 (OJ L61) [corr. 28/03/2023-1]
Corrigendum 2023/419 (OJ L61) [corr. 28/03/2023-1]
Mikhaïl Goutseriev est un homme d’affaires russe influent, qui a des intérêts commerciaux en Biélorussie, notamment dans les secteurs de l’énergie, de la potasse et de l’hôtellerie. Il est une connaissance de longue date d’Aliaksandr Loukachenka et grâce à ces liens, il a accumulé une fortune importante et gagné en influence au sein des élites politiques biélorusses. Safmar, entreprise qui a été contrôlée par Goutseriev, a été la seule société pétrolière russe qui a continué d’approvisionner les raffineries biélorusses en pétrole lors de la crise énergétique entre la Biélorussie et la Russie au début de l’année 2020. Goutseriev a également soutenu Loukachenka dans ses différends avec la Russie au sujet des livraisons de pétrole. Goutseriev a été président du conseil d’administration et actionnaire de la société Slavkali, qui construit l’usine d’extraction et de transformation du chlorure de potassium de Nezhinsky à partir du gisement de sel de potasse de Starobinsky, près de Liouban. Il s’agit du plus gros investissement en Biélorussie, d’une valeur de 2 milliards de dollars américains. Loukachenka a promis de rebaptiser la ville de Liouban en son honneur, pour l’appeler “Goutserievsk”. Ses autres activités en Biélorussie ont compris des stations-service et des dépôts de pétrole, un hôtel, un centre d’affaires et un terminal aéroportuaire à Minsk. Loukachenka est intervenu pour défendre Goutseriev lorsqu’une enquête pénale a été lancée contre lui en Russie. Loukachenka a remercié Goutseriev pour ses contributions financières à des œuvres de charité et pour les milliards de dollars investis en Biélorussie. Goutseriev aurait offert de luxueux cadeaux à Loukachenka. Goutseriev a également déclaré être le propriétaire d’une résidence appartenant de facto à Loukachenka, de manière à le couvrir lorsque des journalistes ont commencé à enquêter sur les avoirs de Loukachenka. Goutseriev a assisté à la cérémonie secrète d’investiture de Loukachenka, le 23 septembre 2020. En octobre 2020, Loukachenka et Goutseriev ont tous deux été vus à l’inauguration d’une église orthodoxe, à laquelle Goutseriev avait apporté son soutien financier. Selon les médias, lorsque les employés grévistes des médias publics biélorusses ont été licenciés en août 2020, des professionnels russes des médias ont été dépêchés en Biélorussie par avion à bord d’un appareil appartenant à Goutseriev afin de remplacer les travailleurs licenciés, et ils ont été logés à l’hôtel Minsk Renaissance, qui appartient à Goutseriev. Goutseriev a contribué à l’acquisition de scanners pour la Biélorussie pendant la crise de la COVID-19. Mikhaïl Goutseriev tire donc profit du régime de Loukachenka et le soutient
Shareholder and Chair of the board of executives of Safmar and Slavkali
Michaił GUCERJEW został objęty sankcjami na podstawie rozporządzenia Rady (WE) nr 765/2006, zał. I, poz. 125. Jest prominentnym rosyjskim biznesmenem, zaangażowanym na Białorusi m.in. w sektory energetyczny, potasowy i hotelarsko-gastronomiczny. Jako wieloletni znajomy Aleksandra Łukaszenki zgromadził znaczny majątek oraz wpływy wśród elity politycznej Białorusi. Łukaszenka i Gucerjew wspierali się wzajemnie w swoich okazjonalnych sporach z władzami w Moskwie. O zażyłości stosunków może świadczyć obecność Gucerjewa na potajemnej inauguracji nowej kadencji Łukaszenki we wrześniu 2020 r. M. Gucerjew jest też formalnym właścicielem rezydencji faktycznie należącej do Łukaszenki. M. Gucerjew został objęty sankcjami Unii Europejskiej, Ukrainy oraz Wielkiej Brytanii. M. Gucerjew kontroluje pośrednio publiczną spółkę akcyjną KUZBASKA KOMPANIA PALIWOWA (OAO KTK), która jest 100% udziałowcem KTK POLSKA Sp. z o.o. KTK POLSKA Sp. z o.o. specjalizuje się w hurtowej sprzedaży węgla kamiennego (oraz materiałów energetycznych) pochodzącego ze złóż Kuźnieckiego Zagłębia Węglowego. W związku z sankcjami, w roli beneficjenta rzeczywistego Michaiła Gucerjewa zastąpił jego brat Sait-Salam Gucerjew.
According to credible data from a public investigation, he controls companies that provide financial and organizational assistance to the Russian Ministry of Defense in recruiting contract soldiers to participate in hostilities in Ukraine.
Mentioned in 2018 CAATSA report on Russian oligarchs
Russian businessman
Category-based imports from Wikidata, the structured data version of Wikipedia.
Wikidata · non-official source
Switzerland manages a sanctions lists with a high degree of detail on the individuals that are subject to it's embargoes
Switzerland · SECO
The Consolidated List is a list of all persons and entities who are subject to targeted financial sanctions under Australian sanctions law
Australia · DFAT
The New Zealand government's list of people and companies sanctioned in relation to the Russian attack on Ukraine.
New Zealand · MFAT
UK sanctions collated by the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
United Kingdom · FCDO
Decisions by the Polish Interior Ministry regarding entities linked to the aggression in Ukraine.
Poland · MSWiA
Based on an annual assessment of wealth and assets compiled and published by Forbes magazine in 2021.
Russia · Wikipedia · non-official source
Belgium extends the European FSF sanctions list on the basis of a national terrorist list, issued by the National Security Council
Belgium · FOD
Sanctions imposed by Canada on specific countries, organizations, or individuals under the Special Economic Measures Act (SEMA) and JVCFOA
Canada · Global Affairs Canada
A list of billionaires and oligarchs from CIS countries, most notably the Russian Federation.
OpenSanctions · non-official source
List of individuals and legal entities subject to restrictive measures.
Ukraine · NSDC
A list of entities subject to fund and economic resource freezing procedures
Monaco · Monaco
A list of Russian decision-makers from government and business composed by ACF/FBK, the anti-corruption organization founded by Alexei Navalny
Russia · ACF · non-official source
Consolidated information about individuals who have been banned from traveling to the European Union, released as part of the EU Sanctions Map.
European Union · Council
As part of the Common Foreign Security Policy the European Union publishes a sanctions list that is implemented by all member states.
European Union · DG FISMA
The register lists all persons, entities and vessels subject to asset freezing measures in force on French territory, pursuant to national, European and international (UN) provisions.
France · DGT
The United Kingom's consolidated international sanctions list.
United Kingdom · OFSI
The record has been enriched with data from the following external databases:
Wikidata is the structured data project of the Wikipedia community, providing fact-based information edited by humans and machines
External dataset · Wikidata · non-official source
Companies database of the Russian Federation as maintained and published by the Federal Tax Service.
External dataset · Russia · FNS
· ca-sema-1-733-ru-mikhail-safarbekovich-gutseriev
· ca-sema-russia-1-733
· ua-nabc-person-3910-gutseriev-mikhail-safarbekovich
· ch-seco-45716
· ua-nazk-person-3910
· gb-hmt-14131
· gb-fcdo-bel0110
· acf-f5be4d82310ef7712e8f8f7d21b3af5be501eec6
· au-dfat-6892-mikhail-gutseriev
· plmswia-osoby-gucerjew-michail
· eu-fsf-eu-6385-79
· fr-ga-3645
· NK-K3f7BnhvRi34jAG8CMNPty
· ru-inn-772342802484
· plmswia-gucerjew-michail
· ua-nsdc-17606-guceriev-mihajlo-safarbekovic
· ca-sema-9e63f777a670c568b815b73e2616b79ee9ec626a
· acf-f24a565d9bacd5def73d5ab1020d4dcf8ad5a06f
· mc-freezes-3e00f387347effaaba53ff98c109583223aa9cc9
· ca-sema-1-part-1-733-ru-mikhail-safarbekovich-gutseriev
· nz-ru-ind-765-mikhail-gutseriev
· eu-tb-logical-130139
For experts: raw data explorer
OpenSanctions is free for non-commercial users. Businesses must acquire a data license to use the dataset.
Assets and shares | ||||
Asset | Percentage held | Start date | End date | |
ООО "РЕСПЕКТ" | 52 | |||
ООО "ЧАЙКА МЕДИА ГРУП" | 99 | - | ||
ООО "РДВ С" | 44 | - |
Family members | ||||
Relative | Relationship | Start date | End date | |
Hamzat Gutseriev Politician | sibling | - | - |
Positions held | |||
Position occupied | Start date | End date | |
Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation | - | - |
Relatives | ||||
Person | Relationship | Start date | End date | |
Sait-Salam Gutseriyev Politician · Sanctioned entity | sibling | - | - |