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OFFICE NO. 7, BLOCK NO. 19, PHA, G-7/1, 44000 ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN, Pakistan

OFFICE NO. 7, BLOCK NO. 19, PHA, G-7/1, 44000 ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN, Pakistan is an entity of interest. It has not been found on international sanctions lists.
Full addressOFFICE NO. 7, BLOCK NO. 19, PHA, G-7/1, 44000 ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN, Pakistan[sources]
City44000 ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN[sources]
Street addressOFFICE NO. 7, BLOCK NO. 19, PHA, G-7/1[sources]
Last changedLast checkedFirst seen


Data sources

WorldBank Debarred Providers2,108

The firms and individuals listed in this dataset are debarred and thus ineligible to participate in World Bank-financed contracts for the periods indicated.

World Bank

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