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Adel Ben Al-Azhar Ben Youssef Hamdi

Terrorism · Sanctioned entity
Adel Ben Al-Azhar Ben Youssef Hamdi is subject to sanctions. See the individual program listings below.
Other nameADEL BEN AL-AZHAR BEN YOUSSEF BEN SOLTANE · Adel Ben Al-Azhar Ben Youssef BEN SOLTANE · Adel ben al- Azhar ben Youssef ben Soltane · Adel ben al- Azhar ben Youssef ben Soltane born 14 Jul. 1970 in Tunis, Tunisia (formerly listed as) · Adel ben al-Azhar ben Youssef ben Soltane · 10 more...[sources]
Weak aliasAdel ben al-Azhar ben Youssef ben Soltane, born 14 Jul. 1970 in Tunis, Tunisia) · Zakariya · Zakariya) · アーディル・ベン・アル・アズハル・ベン・ユーセフ・ベン・ソルタン(1970年7月14日チュニジア国チュニスにて出生)(以前掲載の氏名) · ザカリーヤ)[sources]
Birth date · [sources]
Place of birthTunis · Tunis Tunisia · Tunis, TUNISIA · Tunis, Tunisia · Тунис, Тунис[sources]
NationalityItaly · Tunisia[sources]
CountryItaly · Tunisia[sources]
Country of birthTunisia[sources]
First nameADEL · Adel · Adel · Adel Ben Al-Azhar Ben Youssef · Adel ben al- Azhar ben Youssef ben Soltane born 14 Jul. 1970 in Tunis, Tunisia (formerly listed as) · 3 more...[sources]
ID NumberBNSDLA70L14Z352B · Italian Fiscal Code(イタリア納税者番号): BNSDLA70L14Z352B · M408665 · W334061 · チュニジア国民ID番号 W334061(2011年3月9日発行)[sources]
Last nameBEN SOLTANE · Ben Soltane · HAMDI · Hamdi · Soltane · 3 more...[sources]
Middle nameBEN YOUSSEF · HAMDI · ben Youssef · بن يوسف · حمدي[sources]
Passport numberM408665 · W334061 · チュニジア旅券 M408665 (2000年10月4日発行、2005年10月3日失効)[sources]
PatronymicBen Al-Azhar · Ben Youssef[sources]
Previous nameAdel ben al-Azhar ben Youssef ben Soltane[sources]
Second nameBEN AL-AZHAR · Ben · ben al- Azhar · Бен · بن الأزهر[sources]
Tax NumberBNSDLA70L14Z352B[sources]
AddressMILAN, ITA · Tunisia · Via Latisana n. 6, Milan · Via Latisana n. 6, Milan, Italy · Via Latisana № 6, Милано, Италия[sources]
Source · ·[sources]
Last changeLast processedFirst seen


Deported from Italy to Tunisia on 28 February 2004. Serving a 12-year prison sentence in Tunisia for membership in a terrorist organization abroad as at Jan. 2010. Arrested in Tunisia in 2013. Legally changed family name from Ben Soltane to Hamdi in 2014. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 21 Jun. 2010. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2368 (2017) was concluded on 4 Dec. 2019. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2610 (2021) was concluded on 30 October 2023.

Argentina RePET Sanctions,

Passport no.: Tunisian passport number M408665, issued on 4 Oct. 2000, expired 3 Oct. 2005. a) Tunisian national identity number W334061 issued on 9 March 2011. b) Italian Fiscal Code: BNSDLA70L14Z352B. Deported from Italy to Tunisia on 28 February 2004. Serving a 12-year prison sentence in Tunisia for membership in a terrorist organization abroad as at Jan. 2010. Arrested in Tunisia in 2013. Legally changed family name from Ben Soltane to Hamdi in 2014. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 21 Jun. 2010. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2368 (2017) was concluded on 4 Dec. 2019. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2610 (2021) was concluded on 30 October 2023.

Australian Sanctions Consolidated List,

Deported from Italy to Tunisia on 28 Feb 2004. Serving a 12-year prison sentence in Tunisia for membership in a terrorist organization abroad as at Jan 2010. Arrested in Tunisia in 2013. Legally changed family name from Ben Soltane to Hamdi in 2014. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 21 Jun 2010. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2368 (2017) was concluded on 4 Dec 2019. available.

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes,

expulsé d'Italie vers la Tunisie le 28/02/2004 -- purge actuellement une peine de prison de douze ans en Tunisie pour appartenance à une organisation terroriste à l'étranger depuis janvier 2010 -- arrêté en Tunisie en 2013 -- a officiellement changé de nom de famille en 2014, abandonnant Ben Soltane pour Hamdi

French National Asset Freezing System,

Deported from Italy to Tunisia on 28 February 2004. Serving a 12-year prison sentence in Tunisia for membership in a terrorist organization abroad as at Jan. 2010. Arrested in Tunisia in 2013. Legally changed family name from Ben Soltane to Hamdi in 2014. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 21 Jun. 2010. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2368 (2017) was concluded on 4 Dec. 2019. INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice web link:

UK FCDO Sanctions List,

Deported from Italy to Tunisia on 28 February 2004. Serving a 12-year prison sentence in Tunisia for membership in a terrorist organization abroad as at Jan. 2010. Arrested in Tunisia in 2013. Legally changed family name from Ben Soltane to Hamdi in 2014. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 21 Jun. 2010. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2368 (2017) was concluded on 4 Dec. 2019.

UK HMT/OFSI Consolidated List of Targets,

Nomor Pasport M408665, Nomor identitas nasional Tunisia W334061, Kode Fiskal Italia BNSDLA70L14Z352B, Dideportasi dari Italia ke Tunisia pada tanggal 28 Februari 2004. Melayani 12 tahun Hukuman penjara di Tunisia untuk keanggotaan dalam sebuah organisasi teroris di luar negeri pada Januari 2010. Ditangkap di Tunisia Pada tahun 2013. Nama keluarga yang diubah secara hukum dari Ben Soltane ke Hamdi pada tahun 2014.

Indonesian List of Suspected Terrorists and Terrorist Organizations,

2004年2月28日にイタリアからチュニジアに追放された。2010年1月時点で、チュニジアにおいて外国テロ組織所属の罪で禁固12年の刑に服役中。2013年にチュニジアで逮捕された。2014年に名字をBen SoltaneからHamdiに法的に変更した。国連安全保障理事会決議第1822号(2008年)に基づく見直しは2010年6月21日に終了した。国連安全保障理事会決議第2368号(2017年)に基づく見直しは2019年12月4日に終了した。国連安全保障理事会決議第2610号(2021年)に基づく見直しは2023年10月30日に終了した。同人に対するインターポール(国際刑事警察機構)・国連安全保障理事会特別手配書のウェブ・リンク:

Japan Economic Sanctions and List of Eligible People,

2004年2月28日にイタリアからチュニジアに追放された。2010年1月時点で、チュニジアにおいて外国テロ組織所属の罪で禁固12年の刑に服役中。2013年にチュニジアで逮捕された。2014年に名字をBen SoltaneからHamdiに法的に変更した。国連安全保障理事会決議第1822号(2008年)に基づく見直しは2010年6月21日に終了した。国連安全保障理事会決議第2368号(2017年)に基づく見直しは2019年12月4日に終了した。国連安全保障理事会決議第2610号(2021年)に基づく見直しは2023年10月30日に終了した。同人に対するインターポール(国際刑事警察機構)・国連安全保障理事会特別手配書のウェブ・リンク:

Japan Economic Sanctions and List of Eligible People,



Tunisia number M408665, issued on 4 Oct. 2000 (expired 3 Oct. 2005)

Ukraine SFMS Blacklist,

(Tunisian national identity number W334061 issued on 9 Mar. 2011)

Ukraine SFMS Blacklist,

Deported from Italy to Tunisia on 28 February 2004. Serving a 12-year prison sentence in Tunisia for membership in a terrorist organization abroad as at Jan. 2010. Arrested in Tunisia in 2013. Legally changed family name from Ben Soltane to Hamdi in 2014. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 21 Jun. 2010. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2368 (2017) was concluded on 4 Dec. 2019. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2610 (2021) was concluded on 30 October 2023.

UN Security Council Consolidated Sanctions,

Deported from Italy to Tunisia on 28 February 2004. Serving a 12-year prison sentence in Tunisia for membership in a terrorist organization abroad as at Jan. 2010. Arrested in Tunisia in 2013. Legally changed family name from Ben Soltane to Hamdi in 2014. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 21 Jun. 2010. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2368 (2017) was concluded on 4 Dec. 2019.

South Africa Targeted Financial Sanctions,


Data sources

UN Security Council Consolidated Sanctions1,234

The Security Council's set of sanctions serve as the foundation for most national sanctions lists.


US OFAC Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) List31,778

The primary United States' sanctions list, specially designated nationals (SDN) part.

United States · OFAC

Indonesian List of Suspected Terrorists and Terrorist Organizations865

A list of suspected terrorists and terrorist organizations as determined by the Central Jakarta District Court.

Indonesia · PPATK

Qatar Unified Record of Persons and Entities on Sanction List710

This dataset contains both UN-mandated and the national sanctions designations for Qatar (Targeted Financial Sanctions).

Qatar · NCTC

US SAM Procurement Exclusions116,263

A database of suppliers who have been excluded from participating in US federal procurement.

United States · GSA

Japan Economic Sanctions and List of Eligible People3,598

Sanctions imposed by Japan under its Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law.

Japan · MoF

Bulgarian Persons of Interest574

A list of persons and companies sanctioned for involvement with terrorism financing released by the government in Bulgaria.

Bulgaria · OMNIO Compliance · non-official source

Argentina RePET Sanctions724

Public Registry of Persons and Entities linked to acts of Terrorism and their Financing

Argentina · MdJ

UK HMT/OFSI Consolidated List of Targets6,063

The United Kingom's consolidated international sanctions list.

United Kingdom · OFSI

Israel Terrorists Organizations and Unauthorized Associations lists861

Terrorist organizations and individuals as designated by the Israeli government

Israel · NBCTF

Belgian Financial Sanctions6,604

Belgium extends the European FSF sanctions list on the basis of a national terrorist list, issued by the National Security Council

Belgium · FOD

Moldovan Sanctions for Terrorism and Proliferation of WMD781

Sanctions on persons and entities involved in terrorist activities and the proliferation of weapons of masss destruction

Moldova · CAS-SIS

US Trade Consolidated Screening List (CSL)20,205

The Consolidated Screening List (CSL) is a list of parties for which the United States Government maintains restrictions on certain exports, reexports, or transfers of items.

United States · ITA

Australian Sanctions Consolidated List4,253

The Consolidated List is a list of all persons and entities who are subject to targeted financial sanctions under Australian sanctions law

Australia · DFAT

French National Asset Freezing System5,094

The register lists all persons, entities and vessels subject to asset freezing measures in force on French territory, pursuant to national, European and international (UN) provisions.

France · DGT

Ukraine SFMS Blacklist868

Ukraine's financial intelligence unit publishes this list of sanctioned individuals.

Ukraine · SFMS

South Africa Targeted Financial Sanctions892

The South African FIC sanctions list, largely based on UN Security Council sanctions.

South Africa · FIC

UK FCDO Sanctions List4,520

UK sanctions collated by the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

United Kingdom · FCDO

EU Consolidated Travel Bans3,894

Consolidated information about individuals who have been banned from traveling to the European Union, released as part of the EU Sanctions Map.

European Union · Council

Türkiye Asset Freezing Sanctions List (MASAK)2,222

Individuals, entities, and organizations whose assets are frozen by the Republic of Türkiye based on United Nations Security Council resolutions, requests from foreign countries, domestic decisions, and efforts to counter the financing of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Türkiye · MASAK

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes8,218

Switzerland manages a sanctions lists with a high degree of detail on the individuals that are subject to it's embargoes

Switzerland · SECO

EU Financial Sanctions Files (FSF)6,337

As part of the Common Foreign Security Policy the European Union publishes a sanctions list that is implemented by all member states.

European Union · DG FISMA

Polish Sanctions Countering Money Laundering and Terror Financing485

Sanctions by Polish Ministry of Finance countering money laundering and terror financing, as well as UN Security Council resolutions 2253 and 1988

Poland · GIIF

Source data IDs: ja-mof-c23d6984e3c2ed0b1cbc3a8a0797d88b7feff96f · omnio-2c8187223d470cad3d8e42dbd5e814f7f3af592e · ofac-7251 · au-dfat-362-adel-ben-al-azhar-ben-youssef-hamdi · zafic-346-adel-ben-al-azhar-ben-youssef-hamdi · arpet-personas-112033 · ruterr-fe23051c818a2d4c7848b5446c77a2b2ce746f79 · md-terr-db1629eb68e5a868f9276f2c74d10e687c42f9ac · il-nbctf-5b2b6f3721716cbb3fe050e6f227bc2d22353f49 · eu-tb-logical-937 · gb-hmt-7092 · id-dttot-58b7fdd2740f1f9520ddb3247418d51189a69b97 · eu-fsf-eu-591-84 · usgsa-s4mr3pflc · fr-ga-2990 · ua-sfms-34 · NK-36YdMsFLqfWUpSJZZhxj4g · zafic-346 · unsc-112033 · gb-fcdo-aqd0119 · ch-seco-15076 · qa-nctc-112033-adel-ben-al-azhar-ben-youssef-hamdi · NK-E7PRKbBaBwVqwtrV8G4Nwi

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