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הכרזה על ארגון טרור לפי חוק המאבק בטרור - התשע''ו-2016

AuthorityMinister of Defense - Mr.Benjamin Gantz · National Bureau for Counter Terror Financing[sources]
Programהכרזה על ארגון טרור לפי חוק המאבק בטרור - התשע''ו-2016[sources]
Start date[sources]
End datenot available[sources]
ReasonTied to Atlas Holding, which was founded by the terrorist organization "Martyr Foundation" which is part of the Hezbollah terrorist organization. The organization acts on behalf of Hezbollah and is part of their civilian-economic network[sources]
Record ID352[sources]
Publishing sourceקובץ התקנות 8752 - כ"ד באלול התש"ף עמוד 2688-2691[sources]
Last changedLast checkedFirst seen


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Israel Terrorists Organizations and Unauthorized Associations lists847

Terrorist organizations and individuals as designated by the Israeli government.

Israel · National Bureau for Counter Terror Financing

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