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Mansudae Overseas Project Group of Companies

Mansudae Overseas Project Group of Companies is an entity of interest. It has not been found on international sanctions lists.
NameMansudae Overseas Project Group of Companies[sources]
Other nameMOP · Mansudae Art Studio · 만수대해외개발그룹[sources]
Incorporation datenot available[sources]
Jurisdictionnot available[sources]
CountryAngola · North Korea[sources]
Registration numbernot available[sources]
Description"Mansudae Overseas Project Group of Companies engaged in, facilitated, or was responsible for the exportation of workers from the DPRK to other nations for construction-related activities including for statues and monuments to generate revenue for the Government of the DPRK or the Workers’ Party of Korea. The Mansudae Overseas Project Group of Companies has been reported to conduct business in countries in Africa and Southeast Asia including Algeria, Angola, Botswana, Benin, Cambodia, Chad, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Malaysia, Mozambique, Madagascar, Namibia, Syria, Togo, and Zimbabwe." The UN Panel of Experts February 2017 report states (p. 325): "[The recommendation] includes all Mansudae operations and subsidiary branches world-wide as well as the following entities", followed by two Mansudae-affiliated entities.[sources]
ID NumberRegistration No.: 165-06[sources]
Address18/20, Francisco Sottomayor Street, Bairro Azul, Luanda · Yanggakdo International Hotel, RYUS, Pyongyang, North Korea[sources]
Last changedLast checkedFirst seen


Both Mansudae Art Studio and Mansudae Overseas Project Group of Companies are designated under the ID KPe.050. Due to their different activities, they are kept as separate entities in this database.

DPRK Reports non-official source,


Data sources

DPRK Reports5,540

A database of entities and events related to North Korea's sanctions evasion efforts.

United Kingdom · Korea Risk Group at RUSI · non-official source

For experts: raw data explorer