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Sarah Arkin

Sarah Arkin is a politically exposed person. They are a person of interest, but have not been found on international sanctions lists.
NameSarah Arkin[sources]
Birth datenot available[sources]
NationalityUnited States[sources]
CountryUnited States[sources]
DescriptionSarah Arkin is the Executive Director of the Advisory Commission for Public Diplomacy.  For just over six years prior to starting at the Commission, Sarah served in various positions on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, including as Deputy Staff Director of the Democratic staff. There she was responsible for covering the State Department’s Public Diplomacy Undersecretariat [...More on linked State Dept page][sources]
Last changeLast processedFirst seen


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US State Department Senior Officials601

Senior officials and diplomats in the US Department of State

United States · US State Department

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