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IDPropertyValueLangSource datasetSource IDFirst seen
NK-FAfhoJvUrGJRifgL2CE3n5Person:positionFonction: chef militaire russe – général de division. Commandant de la 4 e division blindée (Kantemirovskaya) de la Garde de l’armée blindée du district militaire occidentalfrafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-6497
NK-FAfhoJvUrGJRifgL2CE3n5Person:positionКомандир гвардійської 4-ї (Кантемірівської) танкової дивізії танкової армії Західного військового округуukrua_nabc_sanctionsua-nazk-person-19028
NK-FAfhoJvUrGJRifgL2CE3n5Person:positionCommander of the Guards 4th (Kantemirovskaya) Tank Division of the Tank Army of the Western Military Districtengua_nabc_sanctionsua-nazk-person-19028
NK-FAfhoJvUrGJRifgL2CE3n5Person:positionКомандир гвардейской 4-й (Кантемировской) танковой дивизии танковой армии Западного военного округаrusua_nabc_sanctionsua-nazk-person-19028
NK-FAfhoJvUrGJRifgL2CE3n5Person:positionRussian military leader - Commander of the Guards 4th (Kantemirovskaya) Tank Division of the Tank Army of the Western Military Districtengeu_fsfeu-fsf-eu-9715-5
NK-FAfhoJvUrGJRifgL2CE3n5Person:positionRussian military leader - Commander of the Guards 4th (Kantemirovskaya) Tank Division of the Tank Army of the Western Military Districtengbe_fod_sanctionseu-fsf-eu-9715-5
NK-FAfhoJvUrGJRifgL2CE3n5Person:positionRussian military leader - Commander of the Guards 4th (Kantemirovskaya) Tank Division of the Tank Army of the Western Military Districteu_travel_banseu-tb-logical-149895
NK-FAfhoJvUrGJRifgL2CE3n5Person:positionMajor-General, Commander of the Guards 4th (Kantemirovskaya) Tank Division of the Tank Army of the Western Military Districtengjp_mof_sanctionsja-mof-f58f3326b02c1ebf638cf040db7f71745a5b60d1
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