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IDPropertyValueLangSource datasetSource IDFirst seen
NK-K3VmUx3bjdpHcbRz4o87ALPerson:notesBeing a high-ranking member of the Belarusian armed forces, Dmitry Leontievich Bekren is participating in the actions of Belarus supporting the Russian attack against Ukraine.ch_seco_sanctionsch-seco-51152
NK-K3VmUx3bjdpHcbRz4o87ALPerson:notesDeputy Commander of the Army for Ideology, and the Head of the Ideology Department of the Western Operational Command of Belarusnz_russia_sanctionsnz-ru-ind-672-dmitry-bekren
NK-K3VmUx3bjdpHcbRz4o87ALPerson:notesDmitry Leontievich Bekren occupe le poste de commandant adjoint de l'Armée pour l'idéologie et de chef de la direction de l'idéologie du commandement opérationnel occidental biélorusse. La Biélorussie participe à l'agression militaire russe contre l'Ukraine en autorisant la Russie à tirer des missiles balistiques depuis la Biélorussie vers l'Ukraine, en permettant le transport de militaires et d'armes lourdes, de chars et de véhicules de transport militaires russes en Biélorussie (transport routier et ferroviaire) vers l'Ukraine, en autorisant des avions militaires russes à survoler l'espace aérien biélorusse vers l'Ukraine, en fournissant en Biélorussie des points de ravitaillement aux avions militaires russes engagés dans des activités contre l'Ukraine et en stockant des armes et du matériel militaire russes en Biélorussie. Militaire de haut rang des forces armées biélorusses, Dmitry Leontievich Bekren participe aux actions de la Biélorussie visant à soutenir l'agression russe contre l'Ukraine.frafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-4311
NK-K3VmUx3bjdpHcbRz4o87ALPerson:notesDmitry Leontievich Bekren holds the position of Deputy Commander of the Army for Ideology, and the Head of the Ideology Department of the Western Operational Command of Belarusch_seco_sanctionsch-seco-51152
NK-K3VmUx3bjdpHcbRz4o87ALPerson:notesBelarus is facilitating the Russian military attack against Ukraine by allowing Russia to fire ballistic missiles from Belarus into Ukraine, enabling transportation of Russian military personnel and heavy weapons, tanks, and military transporters in Belarus (road and railway transportation) to Ukraine, allowing Russian military aircraft to fly over Belarusian airspace into Ukraine, providing refuelling points in Belarus for Russian military aircraft engaged in activities against Ukraine, and storing Russian weapons and military equipment in Belarus.ch_seco_sanctionsch-seco-51152
NK-K3VmUx3bjdpHcbRz4o87ALPerson:notesFunction: Deputy Commander of the Army for Ideology, Head of the Ideology Department of the Western Operational Command of Belarus, Colonelch_seco_sanctionsch-seco-51152
NK-K3VmUx3bjdpHcbRz4o87ALPerson:notesDeputy Commander of the Army for Ideology, and the Head of the Ideology Department of the Western Operational Command of Belarusau_dfat_sanctionsau-dfat-6818-dmitry-leontievich-bekren
NK-K3VmUx3bjdpHcbRz4o87ALPerson:positionначальник відділу ідеології Західного оперативного командування Республіки Білорусь.ukrua_nsdc_sanctionsua-nsdc-17320-bekren-dmitro-leontijovic
NK-K3VmUx3bjdpHcbRz4o87ALPerson:positionЗаступник командувача армією з ідеології, начальник відділу ідеології Західного оперативного командування Білорусі полковник.ukrua_nabc_sanctionsua-nazk-person-195
NK-K3VmUx3bjdpHcbRz4o87ALPerson:positionПолковник, заступник командувача армією з ідеологіїukrua_nsdc_sanctionsua-nsdc-17320-bekren-dmitro-leontijovic
NK-K3VmUx3bjdpHcbRz4o87ALPerson:positionDeputy Commander of the Army for Ideology, Head of the Ideology Department of the Western Operational Command of Belarus, Colonelengeu_fsfeu-fsf-eu-7566-49
NK-K3VmUx3bjdpHcbRz4o87ALPerson:positionЗаместитель командующего армией по идеологии, начальник отдела идеологии Западного оперативного командования Беларуси полковник.rusua_nabc_sanctionsua-nazk-person-195
NK-K3VmUx3bjdpHcbRz4o87ALPerson:positionChef de la direction de l'idéologie du commandement opérationnel occidental biélorussefrafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-4311
NK-K3VmUx3bjdpHcbRz4o87ALPerson:positionCommandant adjoint de l'Armée pour l'idéologiefrafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-4311
NK-K3VmUx3bjdpHcbRz4o87ALPerson:positionDeputy Commander of the Army for Ideology, Head of the Ideology Department of the Western Operational Command of Belarus, Colonelengbe_fod_sanctionseu-fsf-eu-7566-49
NK-K3VmUx3bjdpHcbRz4o87ALPerson:positionDeputy Commander of the Army for Ideology, Head of the Ideology Department of the Western Operational Command of Belarus, Colonelengua_nabc_sanctionsua-nazk-person-195
NK-K3VmUx3bjdpHcbRz4o87ALPerson:positionDeputy Commander of the Army for Ideology, Head of the Ideology Department of the Western Operational Command of Belarus, Coloneleu_travel_banseu-tb-logical-136346
NK-K3VmUx3bjdpHcbRz4o87ALPerson:sourceUrl https://gels-avoirs.dgtresor.gouv.fr/Gels/RegistreDetail?idRegistre=4311frafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-4311
NK-K3VmUx3bjdpHcbRz4o87ALPerson:sourceUrl https://sanctions.nazk.gov.ua/sanction-person/195/ua_nabc_sanctionsua-nazk-person-195