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NK-RKmRD2fUstkjpbfmxVoNg4LegalEntity:notes⒜その他の所在地:Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Eritrea, Ethiopia, India, Iraq, West Bank and Gaza, Somalia, Syria ⒝Federal Employer Identification Number(米国):36-3804626⒞国連安全保障理事会決議第1822号(2008年)に基づく見直しは2010年6月21日に終了した。国連安全保障理事会決議第2368号(2017年)に基づく見直しは2019年12月4日に終了した。国連安全保障理事会決議第2610号(2021年)に基づく見直しは2023年10月30日に終了した。同団体に対するインターポール(国際刑事警察機構)・国連安全保障理事会特別手配書のウェブ・リンク:jpnjp_mof_sanctionsja-mof-578b772a96817f68d1262342efda111b2a6ac035
NK-RKmRD2fUstkjpbfmxVoNg4Organization:notesautres implantations étrangères : Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cisjordanie et bande de Gaza, Érythrée, Éthiopie, Géorgie, Inde, Iraq, Somalie et Syriefrafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-2978
NK-RKmRD2fUstkjpbfmxVoNg4LegalEntity:notesOther Foreign Locations: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Georgia, India, Iraq, West Bank and Gaza, Somalia and Syria. Federal Employer Identification Number (United States of America): 36-3804626. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 21 Jun. 2010. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2368 (2017) was concluded on 4 Dec. 2019. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2610 (2021) was concluded on 30 October 2023.au_dfat_sanctionsau-dfat-361-global-relief-foundation
NK-RKmRD2fUstkjpbfmxVoNg4LegalEntity:notesOther Foreign Locations: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Eritrea, Ethiopia, India, Iraq, West Bank and Gaza, Somalia and Syria. Federal Employer Identification Number (United States of America): 36-3804626. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 21 Jun. 2010. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2368 (2017) was concluded on 4 Dec. 2019. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2610 (2021) was concluded on 30 October 2023.un_sc_sanctionsunsc-113476
NK-RKmRD2fUstkjpbfmxVoNg4LegalEntity:notesOther Foreign Locations: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Eritrea, Ethiopia, India, Iraq, West Bank and Gaza, Somalia and Syria. Federal Employer Identification Number (United States of America): 36-3804626. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 21 Jun 2010. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2368 (2017) was concluded on 4 Dec 2019. available.ch_seco_sanctionsch-seco-17459
NK-RKmRD2fUstkjpbfmxVoNg4LegalEntity:notesOther Foreign Locations: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Eritrea, Ethiopia, India, Iraq, West Bank and Gaza, Somalia and Syria. Federal Employer Identification Number (United States of America): 36-3804626. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 21 Jun. 2010. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2368 (2017) was concluded on 4 Dec. 2019.gb_hmt_sanctionsgb-hmt-7141
NK-RKmRD2fUstkjpbfmxVoNg4Organization:notesOther Foreign Locations: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Eritrea, Ethiopia, India, Iraq, West Bank and Gaza, Somalia and Syria. Federal Employer Identification Number (United States of America): 36-3804626. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 21 Jun. 2010. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2368 (2017) was concluded on 4 Dec. 2019. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2610 (2021) was concluded on 30 October 2023.ar_repetarpet-entidades-113476
NK-RKmRD2fUstkjpbfmxVoNg4Organization:notesU.S. Federal Employer Identification Number: 36-3804626. V.A.T. Number: BE 454,419,759.bg_omnio_poiomnio-66ba7ad054d2ff7dcd496b7d36736cd9394d6880
NK-RKmRD2fUstkjpbfmxVoNg4Organization:notesОфис в САЩ: 9935 South 76th Avenue, Unit 1, Бриджвю, Илиноис 60455, U.S.A., P.O. Box 1406, Бриджвю, Илиноис 60455, U.S.A. Външни офиси: Фондасион Съкур Мондиал (известен още като Секур мондиал дъ Франс (СЕМОНДЕ); Фондасион Съкур Мондиал - Белжик a.с.б.л.; известен още като Фондасион Съкур Мондиал взу; известен още като ФСМ; известен още като Щифтинг Верелдхулп - Белгия; в.з.у.; известен още като Фондасион Съкур Мондиал - Косова; известен още като Фондасион Съкур Мондиал "Уърлд Рилийф"). Допълнителни адреси: 1) 49 rue du Lazaret, 67100 Страсбург, Франция, 2) Vaatjesstraat, 29, 2580 Пут, Белгия; 3) Rue des Bataves 69, 1040 Etterbeek, Брюксел, Белгия; 4) P.O. Box 6, 1040 Etterbeek 2, Брюксел, Белгия; 5) Mula Mustafe Baseskije Street No. 72, Сараево, Босна; 6) Put Mladih Muslimana Street 30/A, Сараево, Босна; 7) Rr. Skenderbeu 76, Lagjja Sefa, Гякова, Косово; 8) Ylli Morina Road, Дяковица, Косово; 9) Rruga e Kavajes, Building No. 3, Apartment No. 61, P.O. Box 2892, Тирана, Албания; 10) House 267 Street No. 54, Sector F - 11/4, Исламабад, Пакистан; Saray Cad. No. 37 B Blok, Yesilyurt Apt. 2/4, Сириневлер, Турция; други външни местонахождения: Афганистан, Азербайджан, Бангладеш, Чечня (Русия), Китай, Еритрея, Етиопия, Грузия, Индия, Ингушетия (Русия), Ирак, Йордания, Кашмир, Ливан, Западен бряг и Газа, Сиера Леоне, Сомалия и Сирия. Служебен федерален идентификационен номер на САЩ: 36-3804626; номер по ДДС: BE 454,419,759bulbg_omnio_poiomnio-66ba7ad054d2ff7dcd496b7d36736cd9394d6880
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