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NK-SfmEecHNYtVNeb2MhcZCTmPerson:positionMr. Chuyko is the head of the Regional Executive Committee of the All-Russian People's Front and member of the regional Legislative Assembly in Tuymen Oblast. Mr. Chuyko is a member of the Kremlin-aligned ruling party “United Russia”.be_fod_sanctionseu-fsf-eu-8645-12
NK-SfmEecHNYtVNeb2MhcZCTmPerson:positionMr. Chuyko is the head of the Regional Executive Committee of the All-Russian People's Front and member of the regional Legislative Assembly in Tuymen Oblast. Mr. Chuyko is a member of the Kremlin-aligned ruling party “United Russia”.eu_travel_banseu-tb-logical-143313
NK-SfmEecHNYtVNeb2MhcZCTmPerson:positionГолова обласного виконавчого комітету Загальноросійського народного фронту, депутат регіональних законодавчих зборів Тюменської області, член прокремлівської правлячої партії «Єдина Росія»ukrua_nabc_sanctionsua-nazk-person-21737
NK-SfmEecHNYtVNeb2MhcZCTmPerson:positionГлава областного исполнительного комитета Общероссийского народного фронта, депутат регионального Законодательного собрания Тюменской области, член прокремлевской правящей партии «Единая Россия»rusua_nabc_sanctionsua-nazk-person-21737
NK-SfmEecHNYtVNeb2MhcZCTmPerson:positionHead of the regional executive committee of the All-Russian People's Front, deputy of the regional Legislative Assembly of the Tyumen region, member of the pro-Kremlin right-wing party "United Russia"engua_nabc_sanctionsua-nazk-person-21737
NK-SfmEecHNYtVNeb2MhcZCTmPerson:positionMr. Chuyko is the head of the Regional Executive Committee of the All-Russian People's Front and member of the regional Legislative Assembly in Tuymen Oblast. Mr. Chuyko is a member of the Kremlin-aligned ruling party “United Russia”.eu_fsfeu-fsf-eu-8645-12
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