Raw data explorer

IDPropertyValueLangSource datasetSource IDFirst seen
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:nameIndia Queeneu_travel_banseu-tb-logical-7176
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:nameKaina Innocentch_seco_sanctionsch-seco-23719
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:nameInnocent Kainabe_fod_sanctionseu-fsf-eu-3620-83
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:nameColonel Innocent Kainabe_fod_sanctionseu-fsf-eu-3620-83
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:nameInnocent Kainaeu_fsfeu-fsf-eu-3620-83
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:nameIndia Queenbe_fod_sanctionseu-fsf-eu-3620-83
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:nameINNOCENT KAINAun_sc_sanctionsunsc-6907996
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:nameColonel Innocent Kainaeu_travel_banseu-tb-logical-7176
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:nameINNOCENT KAINAau_dfat_sanctionsau-dfat-2557-innocent-kaina
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:nameIndia Queeneu_fsfeu-fsf-eu-3620-83
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:nameInnocent KAINAfrafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-1604
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:nameInnocent KAINAengus_ofac_sdnofac-15630
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:nameKAINA, Innocentus_trade_cslofac-15630
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:nameInnocent Kainaeu_travel_banseu-tb-logical-7176
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:nameINNOCENT KAINAgb_hmt_sanctionsgb-hmt-12830
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:nameINNOCENT KAINAza_fic_sanctionszafic-414-innocent-kaina
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:notesBecame M23 deputy commander after the flight of Bosco Taganda's faction to Rwanda in March 2013. Fled to Uganda in November 2013. In Uganda as of early 2016.eu_travel_banseu-tb-logical-7176
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:notes: Became M23 deputy commander after the flight of Bosco Tagandas faction to Rwanda in March 2013. Fled to Uganda in November 2013. In Uganda as of early 2016.za_fic_sanctionszafic-414-innocent-kaina
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:notesInnocent Kaina was Sector Commander and then Deputy Commander in the Mouvement du 23 Mars (M23).be_fod_sanctionseu-fsf-eu-3620-83
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:notesBecame M23 deputy commander after the flight of Bosco Taganda's faction to Rwanda in March 2013. Fled to Uganda in November 2013. In Uganda as of early 2016.be_fod_sanctionseu-fsf-eu-3620-83
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:notesDesignation: Former M23 Deputy Commanderch_seco_sanctionsch-seco-23719
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:notesInnocent Kaina is currently a Sector commander in the Mouvement du 23 Mars (M23). He is responsible for and has committed serious violations of international law and human rights. In July 2007 the Garrison Military Tribunal of Kinshasa found Kaina responsible for crime against humanity committed in the District of Ituri, between May 2003 and December 2005. He was released in 2009 as part of the peace agreement between the Congolese government and the CNDP. Within the FARDC in 2009, he has been guilty of executions, abductions and maiming in Masisi territory. As Commander under the orders of General Ntaganda, he initiated the ex-CNDP mutiny in Rutshuru territory in April 2012. He ensured the security of the mutineers out of Masisi. Between May and August 2012, he oversaw the recruitment and training of over 150 children for the M23 rebellion, shooting the boys who had tried to escape. In July 2012 he travelled to Berunda and Degho for mobilization and recruitment activities for the M23.ch_seco_sanctionsch-seco-23719
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:notesAddress: Uganda (as of early 2016)be_fod_sanctionseu-fsf-eu-3620-83
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:notesBecame M23 deputy commander after the flight of Bosco Taganda’s faction to Rwanda in March 2013. Fled to Uganda in November 2013. In Uganda as of early 2016.gb_hmt_sanctionsgb-hmt-12830
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:notesa été commandant de secteur, puis commandant adjoint du Mouvement du 23 mars (M23). Il a été responsable de violations graves du droit international et des droits de l'homme et en a perpétré. En juillet 2007, le tribunal militaire de garnison de Kinshasa l'a jugé coupable de crimes contre l'humanité pour des faits commis dans le district d'Ituri entre mai 2003 et décembre 2005. Il a été libéré en 2009 en application de l'accord de paix conclu entre le gouvernement congolais et le CNDP. En 2009, en tant que membre des FARDC, il s'est rendu coupable d'exécutions, d'enlèvements et de mutilations dans le territoire de Masisi. En tant que commandant placé sous les ordres du général Taganda, il a provoqué la mutinerie des membres de l'ex-CNDP dans le territoire de Rutshuru en avril 2012. Il a assuré la sécurité des mutins à l'extérieur de Masisi. Entre mai et août 2012, il a supervisé l'enrôlement et l'entraînement de plus de 150 enfants pour la rébellion du M23, abattant les garçons qui tentaient de s'échapper. En juillet 2012, il s'est rendu à Berunda et à Degho afin de mobiliser et d'enrôler de nouvelles recrues pour le compte du M23. Kaina a fui en Ouganda en novembre 2013 et s'y trouvait encore au début de 2016frafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-1604
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:notes: Became M23 deputy commander after the flight of Bosco Taganda’s faction to Rwanda in March 2013. Fled to Uganda in November 2013. In Uganda as of early 2016.un_sc_sanctionsunsc-6907996
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:notesFormer M23 Deputy Commander. Became M23 deputy commander after the flight of Bosco Taganda's faction to Rwanda in March 2013. Fled to Uganda in November 2013. In Uganda as of early 2016.au_dfat_sanctionsau-dfat-2557-innocent-kaina
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:notesInnocent Kaina was Sector Commander and then Deputy Commander in the Mouvement du 23 Mars (M23).eu_fsfeu-fsf-eu-3620-83
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:notesAddress: Uganda (as of early 2016)eu_fsfeu-fsf-eu-3620-83
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:notesBecame M23 deputy commander after the flight of Bosco Taganda's faction to Rwanda in March 2013. Fled to Uganda in November 2013. In Uganda as of early 2016.eu_fsfeu-fsf-eu-3620-83
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:notesBecame M23 deputy commander after the flight of Bosco Taganda’s faction to Rwanda in March 2013. Fled to Uganda in November 2013. In Uganda as of early 2016.ch_seco_sanctionsch-seco-23719
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:notesInnocent Kaina was Sector Commander and then Deputy Commander in the Mouvement du 23 Mars (M23).eu_travel_banseu-tb-logical-7176
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:notesAddress: Uganda (as of early 2016)eu_travel_banseu-tb-logical-7176
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:positionFormer M23 Deputy Commanderun_sc_sanctionsunsc-6907996
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:positionFormer M23 Deputy Commanderza_fic_sanctionszafic-414-innocent-kaina
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:positionFormer M23 Deputy Commandereu_travel_banseu-tb-logical-7176
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:positionancien commandant adjoint du M23frafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-1604
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:positionFormer M23 Deputy Commandereu_fsfeu-fsf-eu-3620-83
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:positionFormer M23 Deputy Commanderbe_fod_sanctionseu-fsf-eu-3620-83
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:sourceUrl https://sanctionssearch.ofac.treas.gov/Details.aspx?id=15630engus_ofac_sdnofac-15630
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:sourceUrl https://gels-avoirs.dgtresor.gouv.fr/Gels/RegistreDetail?idRegistre=1604frafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-1604
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:titleFormer M23 Deputy Commanderua_sfms_blacklistua-sfms-1193
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:weakAliasIndia Queengb_hmt_sanctionsgb-hmt-12830
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:weakAliasインディア・クイーン(India Queen)jpnjp_mof_sanctionsja-mof-ca76b80081225d576668adf044874549584158ea
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:weakAliasIndia Queench_seco_sanctionsch-seco-23719
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:weakAliasIndia Queenua_sfms_blacklistua-sfms-1193
NK-iEC2NzLCYTV66faxUyNDKePerson:weakAliasIndia Queenun_sc_sanctionsunsc-6907996