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NK-nQuFEtdntRAao4GNfCJfhGPerson:lastNameOrtega Murilloch_seco_sanctionsch-seco-46265
NK-nQuFEtdntRAao4GNfCJfhGPerson:nameJuan Carlos Ortega Murilloch_seco_sanctionsch-seco-46265
NK-nQuFEtdntRAao4GNfCJfhGPerson:notesPosition(s): Director at Canal 8 and Difuso Comunicaciones. Leader of the 4th of May Sandinista Movement, Son of the President and Vice President of the Republic of Nicaraguach_seco_sanctionsch-seco-46265
NK-nQuFEtdntRAao4GNfCJfhGPerson:notesSon of president Daniel Ortega and the First Lady and Vice President Rosario Murillo. Director of one of the main propaganda TV stations, Canal 8, and the leader of the 4th of May Sandinista Movement. In his position, he has contributed to restricting freedom of expression and freedom of the media. He has publicly threatened Nicaraguan businesspersons who oppose the Ortega regime. He is therefore responsible for undermining democracy and the repression of civil society in Nicaragua. Because he is the son of Vice President Rosario Murillo, he is associated with persons responsible for serious human rights violations and the repression of civil society in Nicaragua.ch_seco_sanctionsch-seco-46265
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