Statements: Mohamed Omar Mohamed

Canonical ID: NK-kjLSZYCVUJCnrTjgPLAfv4 · Entity type: Person (reference)

PropertyValueLangSource datasetSource IDFirst seen
Person:positionLeader (Wali) of the Al-Shabaab group in Diinsorun_sc_sanctionsunsc-6909267
Person:position: Leader (Wali) of the Al-Shabaab group in Diinsorengeu_fsfeu-fsf-eu-11855-31
Person:position: Leader (Wali) of the Al-Shabaab group in Diinsorengbe_fod_sanctionseu-fsf-eu-11855-31
Person:positionChef (wali) du groupe des Chabab basé à Diinsoorfrafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-7412
Person:positionLeader (Wali) of the Al-Shabaab group in Diinsorgb_fcdo_sanctionsgb-fcdo-som0027
Person:positionLeader (Wali) of the Al-Shabaab group in Diinsorza_fic_sanctionszafic-721-mohamed-omar-mohamed
Person:positionWali Chef (wali) du groupe des Chabab basé à Diinsoormc_fund_freezesmc-freezes-1d713e3cefccf2c8c87e56ac08e6c9acc7d94143
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