Israel Knesset Members

Current Members of Israel's house of representatives

This dataset comprises information about current members of the Knesset, the Israeli house of representatives.

The Knesset also supervises the work of the government (the executive branch) and carries out several quasi-judicial roles. As an electorate body, the Knesset elects the President of the State and the State Comptroller. The Knesset has 120 members and is located in Jerusalem.

Data overview

Entity types:
Publisher:Knesset · Israel

Israeli house of representatives

Collections:in OpenSanctions Default · Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs)
Source data:knesset.gov.il · JSON
Coverage:added · update frequency: daily
Last processed:2024-09-20 19:31:05
Last change:

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File nameExport typeSize
entities.ftm.jsonFollowTheMoney entities790.91 KB
names.txtTarget names text file15.97 KB
senzing.jsonSenzing entity format394.28 KB
targets.nested.jsonTargets as nested JSON1.17 MB
targets.simple.csvTargets as simplified CSV80.16 KB

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Recent additions

The following targeted entities have been added to this data source most recently:

Marina SolodkinPersonIsrael · Russia
Yaakov Ben YezriPersonIsrael
David AzoulayPersonIsrael
Omer YankelevitchPersonIsrael
Alon TalPersonIsrael
Meir SheetritPersonIsrael
Yuri ShternPersonIsrael
Rachel AdattoPersonIsrael
Alali AdamsoPersonIsrael
Dan SaidaPersonIsrael
Mtanes ShihadehPersonIsrael
Desta Gadi YevarkanPersonIsrael
David RotemPersonIsrael
Michael NudelmanPersonIsrael · Soviet Union
Yossi SaridPersonIsrael