Regulatory Watchlists

Entities that are subject to regulatory actions and restrictions

This collection includes datasets that track individuals and entities that are subject to regulatory actions and restrictions, such as investor warnings, penalities and fines, or bans from specific activities or industries.

These watchlists are maintained by government agencies, international organizations, or other regulatory bodies.

Data overview

Entity types:
Legal entities52,770
181 countries · Show overview...
Coverage:added · frequency: weekly · every 8 hours
Last processed:2025-02-12 00:27:07
Last change:

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Downloads contain the full set of entities contained in this dataset. You can fetch a simplified tabular form, or detailed, structured data in JSON format. Updated files will be provided once a day at the same location.

File nameExport typeSize
entities.ftm.jsonFollowTheMoney entities253.71 MB
names.txtTarget names text file3.7 MB
senzing.jsonSenzing entity format89.49 MB
targets.nested.jsonTargets as nested JSON255.08 MB
targets.simple.csvTargets as simplified CSV42.2 MB

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You can query the data in this dataset via the application programming interface (API) endpoints below. Please read the introduction for documentation and terms of service.

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Data sources30

Regulatory Watchlists is a collection which bundles together entities from 30 data sources. See the source browser for more details...

Brazil List of Individuals Disqualified from Public ServiceBrazil535
Brazil Ministry of Labour and Employment slavery prevention list693
EU ESMA SanctionsEuropean Union652
France AMF Illegal Financial Services listFrance2,789
France AMF Regulatory sanctionsFrance408
India National Stock Exchange Debarred EntitiesIndia14,881
Lithuania Illegal Financial ServicesLithuania73
Lithuania Illegal Gambling OperatorsLithuania188
Luxembourg Administrative SanctionsLuxembourg135
Malaysia Financial Consumer Alert ListMalaysia509
Malaysia Securities Commission AOB EnforcementsMalaysia62
Malaysia Securities Commission Investor Alert ListMalaysia1,578
Norges Bank Investment Management observation and exclusion of companiesNorway191
OHCHR List of Companies Linked to Illegal Settlement in the West BankGlobal97
Philippines SEC AdvisoriesPhilippines739
Swiss FINMA Final RulingsSwitzerland29
Swiss FINMA Warning ListSwitzerland1,771
US Directorate of Defense Trade Controls AECA DebarmentsUnited States751
US Directorate of Defense Trade Controls Penalties & Oversight AgreementsUnited States69
US DoD Chinese military companiesUnited States140
US FCC Covered ListUnited States12
US FDIC Failed BanksUnited States875
US Federal Reserve Enforcement ActionsUnited States2,810
US FINRA Enforcement ActionsUnited States14,248
US OCC Enforcement ActionsUnited States5,933
US Office of Antiboycott Compliance Requester ListUnited States153
US Public Alert: Unregistered Soliciting Entities (PAUSE)United States1,628
US SAM Procurement ExclusionsUnited States113,622
US SEC Actions Due to Harmed InvestorsUnited States783
US Special Legislative ExclusionsUnited States223